Stranger: hey
You: hi
where are u from?
Stranger: i'm from the us, u?
Stranger: ...
You: Russia
Stranger: cool
You: what is youe name?
Stranger: m/f?
You: *your
You: Guy
Stranger: rachel. and yours?
You: Daniel
You: How old are u?
Stranger: i'm 19
Stranger: how about u?
You: I am 16
You: What kind of music u like?
You: ...
Stranger: i like a lot of different types, really. i've never been stuck on just one. pretty much anything with a good beat and tune
Stranger: u?
You: I like hip-hop
Stranger: that's cool
You: Yes,do u know russian rappers?
Stranger: not really... who are some good ones?
You: Noize MC,Guf,Oxxxymiron
You: What is your favorite american rappers?
Stranger: ummm.... well i like t-pain, cause he puts music in there, too. hmmm...
You: cool
In what city u live in America?
Stranger: i live in Rochester, Minnesota
You: Do u like football?
Stranger: depends... do you mean american or actual football?
You: Not ragby,
Stranger: yes, i definitely like soccer
You: Do u know Shakhter Donetsk,UEFA cup winner
You: ?
Stranger: i'm afraid i don't... i'm actually really horrible with remembering things :T
You: I understand
In America people more prefer ragby,isnt they?
Stranger: yeah... i'm not as much of a fan of that... but it is very popular here
You: Do u like vodka?
Your conversational partner has disconnected. ![confused](