Попалась офигенная девушка из Сингапура -
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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi? you girl?
Stranger: hi? and yes?
You: i male
Stranger: and you looking for cybersex i guess ?
You: no? i like real sex
Stranger: go out and get some then
You: you male?
Stranger: no im a girl
You: from
Stranger: singapore
You: wow
Stranger: why?
You: Im from Russia
Stranger: wow
, Do you have e-mail
Stranger: haha yes
You: Let's exchange photos
Stranger: hold on yeah
You: Are you left or right?
Stranger: make a guess
Stranger: you've two guesses
You: With this camera you have?
Stranger: haha no that's not my camera
Stranger: i'm the one on the left
You: Oriental beauty
, really beautiful.
Stranger: haha
Stranger: thank you i guess
Stranger: but i'm not oriental actually! haha
Stranger: i'm malay
Stranger: and you're pretty cute yourself
You: This is not a compliment, this is the case
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: okay
You: Senks
You: Why are you online?
Stranger: looking for sex
Stranger: just kidding
You: You have the guy?
Stranger: haha no
Stranger: not yet i think
Stranger: unless you wanna be the guy
You: You have a guy you like European men?
Stranger: i do like european men
Stranger: but i appreciate beauty in all forms
You: Do you have a good sense of humor
You: You listen to rap?
Stranger: i think i do have a good sense of humour
Stranger: tupac?
Stranger: what kind of rap
Stranger: love kanye
You: Kanye West fagot
2pac cool, eminem feat bruno
Stranger: ahahha
Stranger: bruno eh?
Stranger: why is kanye a faggot!
Stranger: i like his electronica influence
You: Want to listen to Russian rap?
Stranger: hahah okay
Stranger: i wont understand it though
You: What site throw music?
Stranger: i dont know
You: Rapidshare?
You: I keep your e-mail, and even talk tomorrow, ok?
Stranger: okay
, bye.
Stranger: take care !