Голландцы любят Россию, и ненавидят Сша и Китай
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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
Stranger: how are you
You: Italia
Stranger: i am from holland too
Stranger: amsterdam
Stranger: and you
You: no? im from milan
Stranger: mmm good
You: You smoke the weeds?
Stranger: how old are you
You: 21
Stranger: i dont smoke
Stranger: i am 21 too
Stranger: do you smoke weeds?
You: What country do you hate?
Stranger: iraq
Stranger: iran
You: no, im not smoke
Stranger: syria
Stranger: and you
Stranger: you hate?
You: The Arabs destroyed the Netherlands?
Stranger: no..but i hate arabs
Stranger: do you love them??
You: You love the U.S.А, China and Russia?
Stranger: i love russia...but i hate china and usa (bush)
You: Soon Europe will be black.
Stranger: hehe
Stranger: are you male or female
You: In Russia, racism is rampant.
You: Male
Stranger: i hate racism
Stranger: but i hate male too...
Stranger: i want a girl
Stranger: on omegle
You: I also like Russia, where the largest concentration of white population
Stranger: yes...i love russian girls
Stranger: they are so sexy
Stranger: do you have woman msn??
Stranger: adress
You: Dutch girls are not beautiful?
Stranger: they are nice
You: I have no internet maniac
Stranger: but i want a girl msn
Stranger: can you give me your friends msn adress
You: Sorry? I read with the girls on the street, we have a tradition in Italy
Stranger: so
Stranger: you dont give a msn adress?
You: I do not sit much at iternete, I am very aktiveny in the lives of people, the internet - this is for losers, if the person meets the Internet
Stranger: hey