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Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 18 декабря 2004, 20:35
Отправить сообщение для Exodus18:31 с помощью Yahoo
  #1 (ПС)
Всего лишь три
Для маленького "ангелочка" который жил по соседству.

My name is Xavier
I'm but only three.
My eyes are swollen shut,
I cannot see.

I will always remember,
the lessons I have learned.
Now I have bruises, and
from all the cigarette burns-
My name is Xavier, and
I'm but only three.

I hear a car...
It's my dad-
drunk again-
coming home from Charlie's Bar.
My name is Xavier, and
I'm but only three.

Ihear the door...
My name is called,
I pray for God for the pain to stop,
As I squeeze myself
up against the wall.
My name is Xavier, and
I'm but only three.

Tonight God answered my prayer...
He made the pain go away...
My name is Xavier, and
I'm but only three..........
.....Tonight my father murdered me...

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