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Sole emcee
Аватар для Soul-0-Tiga
Сообщения: 17
Регистрация: 02.05.2001
Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 25 мая 2001, 04:19
  #1 (ПС)
Soul-0-Tiga'z lyrix
Here'z tha lyrics 'bout Fucka dwarf
(But it ain't made to the end)

You swank and swank
but your rank
iz very low
and you stank
cuz dwarf asshoe swimms in da pop shit flow/pop muck gulf.
Hey yo!
You think ya're so cool, tough n'stuff.
Yea, you gained much glory
while u were in pop urine.
You became rednex' favorite
but no real fella get used to your shit.
Ya're under umbrella of tha chieff,
chieff producer.
Y'all are piece of russian rap refuse.
Once i read a magazine with you on the cover
it was
the "MK boulvard":
I see ugly smile,
you show fucked middle finga,
but'chu'll never become a nigga
cuz u have no style,
your dreadlocks are full o' fleaz
and you remain to be in a pop biz.

Fucka dwarf remain to be in a pop biz
Thy level will neva increase
Who iz better? It's Mustapiss
So crounch down and make a butt kiss
Thou wanna injure me with yo little fist
Fucka dwarf can't deal with Soul-0-Tiga bist

U ain't got respect
there's a stain on yo' reputation.
You attract
the attention of rednex nation,
of tha uninformed shit heads wit da lack of intellect
that cannot realize that'cha counterfeit.
Your staff missed an aspect
that soon fucka dwarf will be prospect
only on the popular music market.
From the first steps u were headed to gain finance,
so dwarf mooran got stuck in a fuckin kapitalistic morass.
Stop sayin that your ass is payin
for promotin' the hip-hop kulture
in the large country called Russia.
Emcceing iz an art,
B-boyin' iz an art,
Writin' iz an art,
Hip-hop iz an art
u ain't tha part of this
cuz you make nuthing for the love of the thing
your staff's crap was made for the show biz.

Here'z also unfinished song...

Laziness convinces ya not 2 be diligent, be vigelant, don't let this shit
make it, you'll fake your work, u'll fake it like tha pop mother fuckers
and biach dollz, your work will becum false. I ain't one of the crappy assholes. I must compel my brain n' my hand do it to the end. Do it 4 my future, do it for myself. I don't wanna b muthafuckin riff-raff. Laziness iz a wall, i gotta climb over it, try not to fall. Rest cumz ufta work, only fat porks are swimmin in the dirty shit all day long. This pigz cannot be proud cuz they will benifit nuthing from their fucking life. They will lie on tha street the place where they will die.

Laziness, fuckin laziness
So u wanna, want 2 be kool
But u are just, just a damn fool
So u wanna, want 2 be kool
Without education u will neva rule

I ain't perfect student at my house of knowledge, but my brain ain't like shit wit poridge, i can acknoledge there are some smart thoughts at my convolutions storage. Students like to obtain their teachaz in their school problems. Mumblin' Gumblin' Callin'em bitchez. But it ain't their fault

[Редактировал Soul-0-Tiga (24-05-2001)]

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