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Артур Скотт
Аватар для Артур Скотт
Сообщения: 35,384
Регистрация: 08.01.2002
Откуда: MoscWoW
Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 29 мая 2003, 10:52
Домашняя страница MySpace
  #4 (ПС)
aite let's see what i can produce in a minute or three - can i even induce the flow over this blues beat playin while i chose to grow discrete parts of consiousness over the field of constant loathing and greed by planting the seed of belief in a state with no pain or grief or hate or mischief or inhumane peeps yo dis Chie just droppin lines like dis talkin myths on a trip to the other side of my sanity where the shipment of weed awaits at the gates of a better plane where there's no confusion and it's all clarity i'm abusin the right to speak but i could still tweak and misuse the troops of tomorrow scattering in horror and still held by invisible chains with no clue as to where was their immediate family slain but if you look closely man you could see the crows time again's come for Babilon - hear lotta mofoz babblin smugglin shit way past the grand canyon to the new land where the foot of an Anikin manequin never ran through the desert panikin and it's all the same crap again - people misusing the powers of brains reaching for God's domain that's insane when burning like leaves that fell we'll feel the ultimate pain but sadly by then there wont be nobody around left to blame

бред конечно но щас 4 утра - что ещё может случится

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