I would disagree with some of the scores, but I ain’t no judge. Esli chestno to menja vobse eto ne pret to chto Russkie pitautsa zachitat na angliskom. Konechno mi znaem chto nashi sud’i eto umeeut delat, no ne vsem eto dono.
I’m not a hater I’m just saying that comparing you guys to local talent from ottawa, and even people like Blank, Alex & King Z, i don’t know......
Eto a to chto lezvie opazdal i ego ne vishibli, eto huevo, tak ne chesno. Ja pomnu moja ssilka opazdala na paru chisov, tak menja srazu vikinuli s tret’ego rounda......
Rules are Rules.
Koroche prodalzaem, I'm all into this now. intiresno.