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14 марта 2003, 23:02
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#18 (ПС)
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jenny from block get shokked...
yo jenny from da blokk get shokked!
dat bitch really get shokked nooow!
no metta how deep i eva get ma dick stuck,
imma still one uncontrollable nigga wit nutz,
i fuk bitchez inside out, give em sperm shotz,
question: bang hoez or not? im on rockz and hot!
even no metta how pimp ma niggaz can fuck,
imma still one of a kind, hoez b makin me blow jobz,
i teach lesson seedz, rootz and even smaller cropz,
if bitch dont wanna suck we take new one up in club!
hey girl i wanna know ya name, say quick,
dis mornin errectionz got me fukked up and also ma dick,
if im same kind 2 yoz imma get ya azz kicked,
do it all night long, i love doggystylin trix,
therez none of a problemz me and ma niggaz cant fix,
therez none problemz wit chickz, bitchez neva escape from me,
betta believe i make u still want some afta we do it,
cuz i get concentrated on thingz i b movin,
heyyo, i get concentrated on shit i b doin,
and all of ma kru b kno what dey doin,
even on 6 feet deep we kno what we doin,
even on 60 we kno what we b doin,
i kno u feel aready like dat, gimme some of dat pussy,
i can feel u wet drippin and smellin like sushi,
and we dont deal wit thoze who think neglektin - new shit,
dont deal wit thoze who think neglektin - new shit...
no metta how deep i eva get ma dick stuck,
imma still one uncontrollable nigga wit nutz,
i fuk bitchez inside out, give em sperm shotz,
question: bang hoez or not? im on rockz and hot!
even no metta how pimp ma niggaz can fuck,
imma still one of a kind, hoez b makin me blow jobz,
i teach lesson seedz, rootz and even smaller cropz,
if bitch dont wanna suck we take new one up in club!
datz what imma sayin! if a bitch dont wanna suck,
we take da new one in club... bitchez, who 4eva search money...
baby whatcha say if we get 2 kno each otha betta,
i kno how 2 b best eva sex competa,
'no, dont stop!' iz gonna last 4 u 4eva,
and we gonna drink champagne or whateva u like betta,
imma put thoze cherriez on top of ya belly,
all bitchez b goin 4 dis and i kno dat u ready,
2day mine b cookin spaghetti and here ma invitation,
i would like u 2 b ma guezt and take evenin participation,
if bitchez dont wanna blow dick, dey just simply get laid,
and therez none problemz ma niggaz cant eva take,
so u gonna go 4 dis or backin me off dis tyme?
if u backin me off den yo azz dont worth a dyme,
if u backin me off - ma azz ready 4 a sex crime,
ya beauty got me blind and imma ready 2 bake u and fry...
2 bake u and fry bitch...
no metta how deep i eva get ma dick stuck,
imma still one uncontrollable nigga wit nutz,
i fuk bitchez inside out, give em sperm shotz,
question: bang hoez or not? im on rockz and hot!
even no metta how pimp ma niggaz can fuck,
imma still one of a kind, hoez b makin me blow jobz,
i teach lesson seedz, rootz and even smaller cropz,
if bitch dont wanna suck we take new one up in club!
no metta how deep i eva get ma dick stuck,
imma still one uncontrollable nigga wit nutz,
i fuk bitchez inside out, give em sperm shotz,
question: bang hoez or not? im on rockz and hot!
even no metta how pimp ma niggaz can fuck,
imma still one of a kind, hoez b makin me blow jobz,
i teach lesson seedz, rootz and even smaller cropz,
if bitch dont wanna suck we take new one up in club!
peace bitch... u releazed... bitch...
dont eva switch from one nigga 2 otha who b mo rich...
dont eva take what u cant eva take bitch...
ma voice level getz a high pitch... suck dickz...
datz what imma sayin...
if u cant survive by any otha chance, by any otha meanz...
just suck dickz bitch... bitch! u exist 4 dis!
i kno.. datz da truth bout u!
u azz aint even worth a half a mothafukkin broked dyme!
fukk u bitch! i hate ya'all bitchez!
dirty, pussy stickin! fukk u!
ghostrida © 2003
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