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Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 22 января 2003, 18:34
  #228 (ПС)
@YWM: da, malcolm x rassist. on dasche bil predwoditelem rasistskogo dwischeniya w USA
wot moy referat pro malcolm(a) X:

Paper of Malcolm X

Malcolm’s Life:

Malcolm Little was born on 19th May 1925 in an hospital in Omaha. Soon after his birth Malcolm went with his family to the village of Lansing, Michigan. His father - Reverend Earl Little - was a Baptist preacher and a member of a Negro organisisation, the U.N.I.A (Universal Negro Improvement Association).
Malcolm's mother - Louise Little - was born in Grenada, Caribbean Sea, and was a coloured woman, thus Malcolm did not have black skin, but reddish brown skin.

His father often was disriminated against by members of the Ku Klux Klan and was found dead when Malcolm was only six. After this, his mother and his oldest brother Wilfred tried to earn the family´s living, but didn´t suceed, especially in the time of the great depression (the years after 1929/1930).

Around this time Malcolm's mother started going mad and the state´s welfare agents began to visit the Littles. Finally, Malcolm was sent to another black family, and later to the Swelins a white family living in Mason, six miles from Lansing. At the age of fifteen Malcolm, who never finished any school, was visited by his half-sister Ella and not long after he moved to Roxbury, the black district of Boston, to stay with her.

In Boston Malcolm earned his living on dirty jobs like shoe shining. Here he also met his best friend for the following years, named Shorty. Soon Malcolm dropped into the criminal scene. After a year and a half he moved to Harlem, New York. Here Malcolm got his money from small robberies and from working for pimps.

At the age of 21, in the year 1946 Malcolm and Shorty were caught by the police after commiting a robbery. Both of them were sentenced to ten years in prison.

Malcolm was jailed in Charlestown State Prison, a dull building from 1805. While he was in there, his brothers and sisters, especially Philbert and Reginald discovered the world of Islam, preached by Elijah Muhammad. They brought their new knowledge to Malcolm, who, at first, strongly disagreed with the new religion, but got converted after a time. In prison he had lots of time, so he read some of the holy writtings and also wrote every day a letter to Elijah Muhammad.
After Malcolm was out of jail in 1952, he started to preach in the of Elijah Muhammad's churches, and soon became famous for his open-minded, direct speeches which often were misunderstood as offense against the whites. Malcolm helped the Black Muslim Movement to establish in New York, Los Angeles and Detroit and soon was seen as a threat by the white population. Under the influence of Elijah Muhammad he also changed his surname from Little to "X". In 1958 Malcolm met and soon married another member of the Black Muslim Movement, Betty X. Even after the dismiss of his brother Reginald he stayed with the teachings of Muhammad.

Later Malcolm X decided, under the influence of Cassius Clay alias Muhammed Ali, to leave the Black Muslim Movement and to found his own protest group, the Organisation of Afro-American Unity.

In 1964 Malcolm pilgrimated to Mecca and took the name Al Hajj Malik al-Shabazz.

In 1965 Malcolm was murdered at a mass meeting in Harlem by fantatic Black Muslims who felt endangered by his leaving of the Black Muslim Movement. Malcolm Little alias Malcolm X alias Al Hajj Malik al-Shabazz left a wife (Betty X alias Betty Shabazz) and four children (Attilah, Qubilah, Ilyasah, Amilah).

Malcolm X's methods:

Malcolm, in his autobiography, often describes the wish he had in his youth: He wanted to be white. After his move to Boston, he coloured his hair, just because he saw that you have got more possibilities in life if you are white. After his formative years in jail, Malcolm looked at things different: From now on he was proud of being a black man.

Malcolm studied the differences between white and black and their Relationship to each other.
His methods were very militant, he called for unity under the black population and he blamed the white population for the problems of his race.

Historical background and political settings:

Around the year 1960 the peaceful movements around Martin Luther King and other movements were opposed by the whites, who in general treated African-Americans like pieces of dirt, and by the Black Muslims. This movement was lead by "The Messenger of Allah" Elijah Muhammad and was in contrast to the peaceful movements radical and racistic (The white man is the devil). The members of this movement denied their surnames, given to them by the white slavemasters centuries ago.
Instead of their names they put a X as their surname, standing as a symbol for their lost African names.


Unlike other Civil Rights leaders, Malcolm X was able to reach not only educated Blacks, but also slum dwellers.
He called himself and his followers „field Negroes“ and the peacefull Black Right Movement followers „house negroes because different as „field Negroes“ „house Negroes“ hated their slavemaster and prayed for his death.
In the opinion of Malcolm X the movements around Martin luther King’s one was too peaceful and not enough radical.

After reading of the whole facts and information about Malcolm X, i think he was a by the life insulted racist. A racist don’t have to be white, bald and wear army boots. People which was leaded by this uneducated, hate-fulfilled ex-criminal was not better than the whites. Malcolm X and his followers was the same rasists just running under another slogan. You cant fight fire with fire! Hate plus hate results just more hate, so the citizens of U.S. of A. could be happy that there was such people as Martin Luther King who had enough competence and did everything to handle existing problems in peacefull way.

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