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HomeGrown Cat
Сообщения: 1,378
Регистрация: 13.10.2002
Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 9 января 2003, 02:39
  #130 (ПС)
/atomatickly ma spellings go wrong dramatickly,
and again making shit on a way, bez abseranie tvoih druzey,
if u Russkiy u got it! if u got it ,then good,
never dicriminalise my root,
/even when i'm fucked like i am right now,
still droping ryhmes like atom bombs,
spreading shit like shity jam,
/on your concentration,
ma spelling as bad as chiken writing,
while it's masturbating with erection,
/aint no giving u a lection,and why should i,??
i'm not a fucking lector, i am nekto,
/chemicaly radiated, bio-ligh,mega fucking drived mad,
/by skunk!!following idea, like a fucking secta,
/we will stay undentified like u.f.o ,
we'll be raw!! smaking u in your jaw,
/while experimenting on u, like on a white, banny,funny,
fucking ,rabbits,
/ geting u inffected by my worse habbits,
chewing u like gum, and blow bubbles at the same time,
/shame, on u if u trying to protect,
make a sound?? --u'll be parallised from neck, down!,!
feel the shit wile it's comming from woundeground,
/but it's not for long, my brains r up in smoke,
like chich and chong, after 13th bong,
/challenge is open,but when u need b.l.a.n.k,
he's like bank always closed,get your rank ,munk!
/technic, has not been seen, where r your skills of shauling?

get them out . . .
