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Uncle AleX
Аватар для Uncle AleX
Сообщения: 9,601
Регистрация: 27.01.2001
Откуда: Оттуда
Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 21 ноября 2002, 22:14
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  #40 (ПС)
Lil girl, I didn't dis your country, if you knew english, you wouldn't doubt me, driving expensive cars and calling me a burgeua, please.. you're just a rich girl, I'm the one who can't pay for shit, and some of that game you ran, you shoulda never did, some of that shit is private, so close your mouth and keep it quiet, go gossip with your girlfriends, obnoxious blonde bombshell, and once again, damn, please learn how to spell, don't make me start telling jokes about your hair color, cause I already see white-out on your screen, anna, you didn't get this joke did you? well that's ok, cause maybe you should stick to russian, and I'll stay in USA

хорошего по-немножку... и не пиши когда злишся.. хыхыхы
