ya toje hochy!
the only thing you two can diss is each others dicks
while one licks, the other one looks through da ass and picks//
what da fuck is this battle about, i dont know i just run out
like a boy scout look at your bitch asses and frightened i shout//
AAA,,, freeky shit muzafuckers/ each one of you rhymes sound more homo then Chris Tuckers//
Wack you'z down dicksuckers with ma brass knuckles/
Blank, ya name suits you, you empty Lezvie's mind and tha nation solutes you//
Lezvie ya name goes well too/ coz ya rhymes are razor sharp like hot knife `n butter slicing through//
will cut you/ be carefull n handle it well/ live long `n dont go to hell so u got a story to tell//
It is a shame you cant spell/ Blank shell....
I just knocked you's both down just for fun you's all fell//
no beef.... nahuya delat' bolshe