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Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 12 июня 2006, 18:56
  #11 (ПС)
Цитата от R_Chie :

1. What are you doing here so late?
2. I ran into Anna on the way home.
3. They were relaxing, while children were playing in the yard.
4. I'll be swimming in the pool this time tomorrow.
5. Quiet! The kids are sleeping.
6. John was working all day yesteday.
7. I'll be thinking of You.
8. Do not enter the class. The students are taking the test.
9. I've been calling you for half an hour yesterday.
10. While we were walking home, it was raining hard, and cold wind was blowing.
11. We're going south for an all-summer vacation.
12. Where's your sister? She's helping mom in the kitchen.
13. What are you doing this time tomorrow.(what are you going to be doing at this time tomorrow)
14. What were you doing yesterday at this time?

1. He was working when she walked into the store.
2. She was doing shopping when he first saw her.
3. A post man who rode post on his bicycle fell off in surprise.
4. She came to see us when we were staying with a friend in London.
5. 5 When did he hear of this talented musician?
6. I met her for the first time when I (to like) in Scotland. - вот это я не понял по идее liked но бред какой-то

п.с. не верьте альтруистам
Артур, не стоит забывать что у вас Американ Инглиш, а в российских школах и инстах учат Бритиш вершн

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