Тема: gangsta fairytale
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Регистрация: 06.12.2005
Откуда: Калининград
Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 27 апреля 2006, 19:26
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  #6 (ПС)
sorry, my internet connection is a bloody dial-up, so we're talking 3-5 kB, which sukks big time =(
one of the few UK hip-hop acts i heard is Maylay Sparks (well, he's actually from the USA but he recorded in the UK so what the heck)

check out this:

I'd rather side with the ungodly and pagans
Than embrace a religion that still meddles
On who's the only and true God
It took those retards two millennia
To arrive at nothing, like the ideas of Lenin
Clenched fists, teeth bared, waving their scriptures
Who cares to stay with you and your hollow rituals
I'd rather preserve my faith residual
And turn spiritual only when liquor-habitual

Double-minded, double-speak, double standards
Who needs politics where lying runs rampart
Screw the gender and race, common people
Meet face-to-face and agree their governments are a disgrace
What's in it for you? Illusion of power? Five minutes of prime-time glory?
Those faces above white shirts and ties change fast like promotional banners
Same words, just different combination
You can further your nations, stop the starvation in Africa
Increase the peace and prosperity… all you do is indulge your vanity
Y'all are soon-to-be-living-comfortably
Trading your country's stability for advanced buying ability
You're high-class hillbillies, narrow-minded and criminally silly
Get a real job instead of paper-pushing positions
I want hell to exist so that you go there for all your dishing

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