2 kormega
Btw what about Strictly for ma niggaz and
2pacalipse(the best one in my opinion)?
they are the ones that make me feel gangsta,
souljaz story - this one is 1337n335,
cops were killed by the teen listenin this song
All eyez on me was recorded under record's company
presure, he had 2 produce 2xcd album in shorten time limit
some songs are good, but it feels like it could have
been done much much better...
i dont devide hip-hop into east/west coast
brunches. For me is just real hip-hop stuff
that i like, it is principal, why should i mind
about ones disagreement?
2 Mozzy
Btw i have one constructive note..
Why shouldnt opinions of other ppl be posted under
ur resume?
Have u got any comments or arguments to my views?
and nobody gives a sh!t if the readers agree or disagree with me
Yeah ofcourse, u cant foist ur own view to anyone,
ones has their marks made up 2
And anywayz it is interesting) I have found some usefull
stuff there for myself. But ur points are bassed on ur preferences, obviously it has some disorders