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  #33 (ПС)
Спокойный и And-one: Молодца, что подняли тему!

Тайсона завалили в 8-ом раунде. п-и-з-д-е-ц..какой позор!
LewIS KO's Tyson in the 8th

Lennox Lewis defeated Mike Tyson in the 8th round with a awesome right hand. After surviving Tyson's initial onslaught in round one, Lewis was able to keep Tyson at bay with stiff jabs and massive right hands. Tyson was cut over his right eye in round three and over the left eye in round five. Rounds six through eight were target practice for Lewis. He badly staggered Tyson early in the round, and although Tyson managed to stay on his feet it was ruled a knockdown by referee Eddie Cotton. There was no doubt when Tyson went down from a huge Lewis right. He was counted out at 2:25 of round eight. Tyson after the bout said that all the things said before the fight was nothing personal but just to promote the fight, and asked for a rematch, he said if Lewis gave him a rematch he could defeat him. Lennox Lewis applauded Tyson for the effort and said 10 years ago Tyson was the man but now we can say that Lennox Lewis is the most dominate boxer in boxing. Tyson received a kiss from Lennox Lewis's mother after the bout.

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