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Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 9 февраля 2006, 01:47
  #2731 (ПС)
Цитата от the militia :
Let us mold you into a highly skilled sniper in the Amen-Ta Militia. We are building a global network of movie and hip-hop addicts. Should you be up to the challenge, Amen-Ta will give you a variety of operations to execute in your targeted city. These will include but are not limited to: handing out fliers and promos at various events in your hood, getting the word out online, and other objectives that will be disclosed to you after you are a part of the crew.
Members of the militia will receive exclusive freebies such as DVD’s, CD’s, t-shirts, hats and bags. And those select members who are really on their grind get the chance to be in movies and music videos that we produce. Hit up [email protected] to apply today.
Цитата от 2Macy :
бля переведите кто нибудь эту хуятень и я удалю ее нахуй
