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Аватар для Mozzy
Сообщения: 2,050
Регистрация: 06.12.2005
Откуда: Калининград
Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 9 декабря 2005, 13:00
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  #213 (ПС)
2 demise: i did, just making sure we're definite about it.

2 kormega: it's not about principles or other elevated matter. if i'm in a battle alone, i know my strengths and my weaknesses, so i proceed from that. if i'm in a battle with you two, i know two-thirds of our team is weak because it can be touched just like i did it. we go in strong, or i go alone. tired of repeating it over and over.

Fucking Baltic weather, zero C and windy
Also, grey clouds, humid air and slippery
That ain't shit to me, though, I'm all glee
How so? Cuz life sucks and I know
We all end up pushing up flowers
Why the hell living sour?
Why waste my power fighting off spleen?
That's why my font colour's green
Looks fresh and funky that way
I'm in this life to stay and play
Enjoy every moment of it's flow
Hate it or love it? Naw, I'm above it
Whether it's my day job (office and tie)
Or leisure time, I won't crumble and die
I *smile* like Pac and Scarface, every minute
We are all in it
And one day we all reach the limit
Obstacles and hardship - grin and bear it
Russia is Bear, so just grinning will win it.

PS this bloody site doesn't edit the whole text in one colour, only line-for-line. so you'd have to imagine i type in green

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