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Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 17 октября 2005, 01:31
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  #1 (ПС)
Circle Of Tyrants (Necro, Ill Bill, Goretex, Mr. Hyde) - The Circle Of Tyrants (2005)
1. The Chosen Few
2. Theatre Of Creeps
3. Carnivores
4. South Of Heaven
5. Tyrannical
6. The Four Horsemen
7. Take It In Blood
8. Necrotura feat. Igor Cavalera (of Sepultura), Alex Skolnick (of Testament), Matt Harvey (of Exhumed)
9. The Ultimate Revenge feat. Vinny Appice (of Black Sabbath/Dio), Alex Skolnick (of Testament)
10. Severed Organs
11. Joe Spinell
12. Fender Rhodes Suicide
13. The Black Wings Of Apocalypse


http://brainwash.ru/music/Circle Of Tyrants - The Circle...(2005).tar

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