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Prikolnaja pesnja ! Zdu albom - "Hwo is Mike Jones ?"

A sto-nibud slisno novogo o ego beefe s Chamillionaire ? Chamillionaire na nego daze tseliy CD dissov napisal, mozet kto slishal ?

Vot statja s ozonemag.com :


How did you meet Chamillionaire?

He was just a dude I met through PaulWall. We became friends, I mean, I thought I was cool with him. I thought I was cool with a lot of people. We don’t know each other personally, though. I knew Paul before I knew him. Me and Paul was cool when I got signed to Swishahouse. Chamillion tells people I tried to give him my demo or something like that, but that’s a lie. I was hot by myself; I had a company called Ice Age Entertainment. Chamillionaire been with Paul since like 1999, I got signed in 2002. I started blowin’ up seven months after I signed to Swishahouse. Chamillionaire and PaulWall did look out for me on some shows, but when I went solo, I looked out for them too. Back then, everybody was in groups. It was Slim Thug and ESG, PaulWall and Chamillionaire, and they’d let me and Magno open up for them. Chamillionaire wasn’t never hot by himself, but him and Paul was hot as a group. They let me open up three shows and then me and Magno went our own ways. I got hotter and then they started opening for me on three shows, so it was love. I didn’t even think about stuff like that. Me and Magno featured [Cham] on our album, First Round Draft Pick. The first song “Day to Day Grindin’,” sounded good with him. I thought we was cool. He jumped on the song, he got paid. [Swishahouse CEO Michael] Watts paid him for it, now he runnin’ around talkin’ about, “I showed him love.” He got paid for that. It’s business.

Were Chamillionaire and PaulWall signed to Swishahouse?

They wasn’t on contract and they left to pursue they dreams with Paid in Full. That’s when they blew up, they had a hit song. But I guess PaulWall and Cham had their differences, so Paul left and came back over to Swishahouse. I don’t know what they got going on, but all of a sudden, Cham on his last leg and he pulls a publicity stunt. This is the one thing I want everybody to know: we dropped First Round Draft Pick in 2003, right? Now it’s 2004, so it’s been damn near a year since he’s really seen me. Except that I seen him two weeks before he dropped the CD and he didn’t say anything to me. Shit, a three-disc CD with all that hate on it? It took time to do that. So while I’m out on the road doing shows, he at home not getting booked, hating on me. Look, if I’ve got beef with you, I’mma get straight to the point why I’m mad at you. If you listen to that whole CD, he ain’t talking about nothing. It’s a complete publicity stunt, ‘cause we from the same city. Well, he really from D.C., but you know, he stays here. Why he ain’t say, “Hey, Jones?” He coulda called Watts, he coulda called me, but he ain’t never called me. The last time I saw him, in my mind we was cool. I was getting interviewed by Skip Cheatham in Dallas, and when I got through I was sayin’ peace to everybody, shakin’ hands. Chamillionaire seen me, we ain’t say no words. Two weeks later, the CD comes out. So that night, instead of him sayin, “Hey Jones, let me holla at you about something,” he didn’t say anything.

So are you planning to respond?

Yeah, but people be like, “What’s taking you so long?” What’s taking so long is that I didn’t even know there was no beef. I don’t wanna play into the publicity stunt, but I have to respond because everybody’s hittin’ me asking me about it. He really hatin’, and out of respect for my fans, I gotta let that be known. My album is called King of the Streets. I’m spitting facts, though. It ain’t no
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bullshit-ass skits. But I ain’t got time to do a whole CD about him. I’m about to do another tour. The few songs I did make about him, I made them on the road. I made four songs about him, that’s it. The fans wanna hear my response and go back to hearing some jamming music. Nobody wanna hear 18, 19, 20 songs hatin’ on one man. That’s a publicity stunt, I don’t care what nobody says. It’s trippin’ me out that people be fooled by this bullshit. If he had a legitimate reason, he woulda called me and we woulda got it squared away. Man, somebody even sent me an audio clip of an interview he did where he says, “Man, basically I’m just hatin’ on him ‘cause he blew up quick.” Everybody got a deal except him so he hatin’. Everybody tryin’ to get Mike Jones right now. Before the CD came out Paul told me, “I think Chamillionaire gonna shoot a slug at me.” I was telling Paul, “Don’t even worry about it.” [Chamillionaire] shot the slug at me instead.

Can you think of anything you’ve said that might have sounded like a diss to him?

I didn’t hate on Chamillionaire. He just tryna make a lick. The most money Chamillion ever got for a show was $3500 and that’s when he and Paul had a hot single. He’s never made a hot song by himself. If he did, name one? I’m getting $5k, $7k solo. That’s why he hatin’. He’s thinking, “Everybody listening to Mike Jones, so that’s how I’m gonna get my buzz back.” When people try to book him for shows, he tries to charge whatever I’m charging. He tells promoters, “Mike Jones, he a gimmick rapper.” I’ve got another interview he did where he told them, “I did this to put a dent in Mike Jones’ shows.” I thought you did this ‘cause I was hatin’ on you? We ain’t got no beef. He’s just straight hating. Then he ran up to PaulWall a couple days ago tryin’ to get him not to hang out with me. Niggas just mad ‘cause we the future. Everybody that’s reading this: I got mad love for y’all, but never believe what you hear. Basically, just put two and two together. If you’re a real hood nigga, a street dude, if you have beef why you dropping a CD behind my back when you seen me weeks before you dropped the bullshit?

Anything else you want to say?

Yeah, when you talk to Chamillionaire, I want you to make sure you ask him why he didn’t come to me instead of dropping this bullshit, and why he didn’t say why he was mad at me on the CD. My album comes out September 15th. Tell everybody to check out the website whomikejones.com for more info, and tell ‘em to call me on my cell phone if they got questions. They know the number: 281-330-8004.


Your website lists artists like Slim Thug, Lil’ Flip, PaulWall, and Mike Jones, and makes it appear like you’re all together. Why are you dissing Mike Jones and you’ve got him on your site?

When I first started the site I started realizing how powerful the internet was, cause I was looking at my mailing list and seeing major labels like sonymusic.com. From day one, I’ve always been about everybody. I’ve always pushed my whole team. The bigger picture is that Texas is supposed to rise. I wanna see Texas doing it like ATL is doing it, right? So I realized that all these A&Rs don’t have any idea what’s going on in Texas. I sacrificed my own website - chamillionaire.com - and put everybody on there. Some people didn’t understand it, but I was looking at the bigger picture. Even Mike Jones and Magno, I looked at them like a future PaulWall and Chamillionaire so I was helping them [by putting them on the site]. I had majors trying to pay for a spot on the website, but it’s not about money for me. The whole screwed thing is hard to tap into, but my website has that whole thing on lock. I’m feeding them information about every artist that’s doing it. It was never all about me. Even though I’m not cool with Mike Jones, whenever A&Rs asked me who’s hot, I’d always say Swishahouse even though I wasn’t messing with them. I’ve never been a hater. The reason [I dissed Mike Jones] is because I caught him redhanded. It’s not even a he-say, she-say type thing. I finally got tired of it. Some people look at it like a publicity stunt, but he knows what he did and I know what he did.

What was your relationship with Mike Jones before?

Me and him had a talk outside of a hotel a long time ago after a show. He was telling me how he’s chillin’ with his girl, he don’t mess with groupies, he don’t smoke. That’s kinda like me, cause I don’t smoke, I’m all about my money. He was telling me his plans and ideas and that’s when I looked at him in a different light. His promotional ideas let me know he was trying to think bigger than just being an artist. He was telling me how [Swishahouse CEO Michael] Watts was payin’ him on salary and he wasn’t gettin’ money. I was giving him advice on how to turn the situation around. That’s one of the longest conversations I had with him. He really doesn’t know me and I really don’t know him like that, but everybody would always talk bad about him being a gimmick and I would always defend him. I never really thought he was the best rapper but from a personal standpoint I respected him and what he was trying to do. Even A&Rs were like, “He’s whack.” When people were getting tired of that “Who?” stuff it was a lot of backlash on him, a lot of people hatin’.

So when did problems start?

When Watts called me to do “Day to Day Grindin’,” at first they didn’t even wanna pay me for it. I told ‘em I was gonna do it for Magno and Mike Jones. At the time I was the hotter artist, so it was to help draw the fan base towards them. That was the first single off their album. Slowly, stuff just started getting weird. People started acting funny. I can walk in a room and sense it, when everybody turns like the devil just walked in and you don’t know why. I always sensed something was wrong. The first incident was in Cleveland a long time ago. A good friend of mine had just started getting cool with Mike Jones and he’s talkin to them about me like they’re his buddy. The main thing is, when people speak
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on me and PaulWall, I believe in family business. There’s personal stuff that went on between me and Paul. Mike is over there hearing Paul’s side and spreading all this stuff like it’s fact, not opinion. So I let that slide a couple times, and then somebody on the other side of the map tells me something else Mike Jones said. He’s saying more stuff that’s personal. It’s real bad, cause he’s messing up my relationships. It’s not just Mike Jones, I just made an example out of Mike. I just seen Paul at the mall like three days ago. We got in an argument but we left on good terms. The Paul I used to know is a different guy now. He doesn’t really know the whole story. All he sees is the CD coming out. Me and my brother are the only ones who knew the CD was coming out, besides Watts. I ran into Watts and I told him, “It’s gonna be bad, man, and I mean everything I said.” I don’t really know what Paul thinks, but as long as me and him don’t have a problem, it’s cool. I feel like that’s the worst thing that could happen. People wanna see me versus Paul. Controversy sells. If I was just doing all this stuff to build up my album I woulda been screaming my album release date all over the [diss CD].

Mike Jones says he saw you two weeks before the CD came out and you could have approached him then.
100% lie. I don’t hold back my feelings. [Mike Jones] is a liar. He didn’t see me nowhere. The last time I seen him was a long time ago outside a show in Dallas. I guess he’s trying to make it seem like I’m scared. I don’t care even if he does come back and diss me, because it’ll only make me bigger. This guy is a proven liar. I love your magazine, but [in your article about Mike Jones, you said he’s sold] 250,000 independent? He has his own song with Usher? That dude’s life is a lie. I’m not finna let him get away with it. It makes me so mad cause I thought the dude was real.

Why you didn’t say why you’re mad at him on the CD?

Man, he knows. He knows what he did. He’s tryin’ to act like he didn’t do nothing and he’s still wondering how I know. I could get real personal with it and tell you specifics, but then I’d be snitchin’ on somebody else.

I could understand one diss track, but a whole CD? Isn’t that overkill?

Nah. You drop one track, he’s still alive. But you can’t measure respect by sales. There’s a lot of people that’s respected that don’t sell records. It took that respect away, so everywhere he goes people are gonna be checkin’ to see if he’s real. It just sounds bad cause of how raw we went at him.

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