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nothing today
Сообщения: 290
Регистрация: 28.02.2004
Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 1 февраля 2005, 21:42
  #407 (ПС)
Цитата от WeeD :
id be glad son but i aint got no green card,how about u come here fuck with a niqqa n find out for yrself wat ta fuk iz really poppin,n ill take yr benz too bitch
buddy 1st, you are not BLACK!
2) just because you type like a nigger doesnt mean you are.
3) you just made such a fool of your self its not even funny.
3) how old are you 17?get your green card in order you FOB and come visit me, you and Muhalich can both split the bus costs and come visit me. Peace
