so, you can check this fresh stuff out:
DonGuralesko feat. Rafi - Drewianej Małpy Rock.mp3 - Gural is from Poznan, his 2nd solo album will be released in February.
Tede - Pierwszy Buhh.mp3 Tede - Fiodor.mp3
Tede is from Warsaw, i think he's one of the best MCs in Poland. this 2 tracks come from his illegal albums, recorded as "DJ Buhh" (more:
dj buhh mp3 site)
there are some videos & mp3s of O.S.T.R.,a rapper from Lodz:
"Rap po godzinach".mov "Początek".wmv
<URL=[album].mp3>"Odzyskamy hip hop".mp3</URL>
and a video of PCP (Północ-Centrum-Południe / North-Centre-West) project (the clip was made in Amsterdam):
PCP - Uciułany Giecik.wmv
i think thats all i can give you to listen, if you use DC you can find some polish raps at .
look for: Pezet-Noon, Grammatik, K.A.S.T.A., Flexxip / Mes, Eis, Numer Raz i DJ Zero.
hope you like that polish shit