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Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 1 октября 2004, 04:15
  #394 (ПС)
реальный пакет!!

Nomad Factory Blue Tubes Bundle VST v2.0

The BLUE TUBES BUNDLE V2.0 is a collection of 15 plug-ins processors in RTAS, HTDM and VST format for PC, and OSX (Audio Unit in development) designed to improve the quality of digital sound recordings. This bundle recreates the warm sound qualities of classic analog hardware. The sound quality of Blue Tubes is nothing short of amazing. Yet all 15 plug-ins provide a simple and functional "vintage-style" interface, as well as low CPU consumption for lightening-fast processing


BT Analog Chorus CH-2S

BT Analog Phaser PH-2S

BT Analog Compressor CP-2S

BT Analog Limiter LM-2S

BT Tube Driver DR-2S

BT Noise Gate Limiter GL-201

BT Vintage Compressor FA770

BT Analog Equalizer PEQ-2A

BT Vintage Equalizer PEQ-2B

BT Mid-Range Equalizer PEQ-2C

BT Vintage Oilcan Echo/Delay TLE-2S

BT Tempo Delay 3D DL-3D

BT Brick Wall Limiter BW-2S

BT Deesser DS-2S

BT Stereo Imager SI-2S

More Info available at:

