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Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 24 декабря 2020, 16:50
  #64 (ПС)
You wanted PR wanted поднятса in words,but Loch
Like you I don't сопреник-I потлал in Kazakhstan
The beef was the word shock,firmly,you're merely a victim and not more
I got his faith in me as in a God
Yes,I am arrogant and нездержаный,the scandal you secured
As Russian rap shit,and here suckers like you have no place
Punk,I Tupac,if the problems of ME against to the world of niggas
Who reads cooler?I уверин that someone
You are like thousands of others trying to wrest from the fate of a piece of
But you only copy,son,суеш his trousers in the toe of
I'm the one who turnip was needed as Jesus Ирусалиму
I'm unique like a Sphinx or the picture of "Mona Lisa"
Optician up,shock de died,I sell you what you want.
Нарката fighters-I'm against,but gathered up the loot on coke
Nine милиметров the trunk of my лутший bodyguard believe me
Drago weighs a hundred pounds,but the shock him break jaw

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