24 декабря 2020, 16:42
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#57 (ПС)
| Yes Yes you're right people I'm not a Russian, I could never be them was not
I'm not some Vasya rural school in the boots in the summer
Yes I'm not a gangster with a gun, I'm not Tony Montana
but if you want snow, I get it without any questions
Дессар broke his blue ливчег, wipes them snot
around me there are no competitors - the herd of cum
Killa mowed a Casanova, but lick up шмару
you тресет from anger bitch, this is сифилес Sasha.
you don't teach your father ебаца, hovering rap that it is I myself
as I fucked the fuck will you inet пидорасов
I'm your mother put cancer, and throw her on the throat
what gives birth to you suckers, I do not hold for the Holy
my t-shirts sold, I don't even busy
and you have diarrhea and mouth from envy soaring
on my optician took, you're surprised
see I Фэйн I rashvat : rofl : what дессар not achieved
Yes you дотри ебало in the soup you fuck,
races you have nothing to say, pussy from here scumbag
I заебался wait! I'm not your opponent
I went out myself against myself, actually as a schizophrenic, as schizophrenic... |