-Цитата от ~КиТ~ -Цитата от ПлавлюМозги -Цитата от SANYO
Есть у кого-нибудь перевод сего чуда текста?
hello everyone Respect! One Love! ~ TRUE ~ STYLE ~ Philly, MoscoW CiTi!
Taking their origins from the most Underground(and), v7em, v7em, v7em, neighborhoods, centers and suburbs, brothers and sisters in the subject, I, tchatelno and painstakingly, choosing words and using them in a positive direction, consciously, in detail, carefully, with a thoroughly laid meaning, absolutely HONESTLY, Unselfishly, for The sake of the Highest GOOD, always iskolyuchitelno Lokanichno, with an extremely interesting message and fascinatingly stylish presentation, from the top and from the top, immaculate top(a) and immaculate paramount(a), looking from a bird's eye view, ~LET the FOUNTAINS~ dense ~SMOKE~ in an infinitely deep, heavenly ~the OCEAN~ where by ~ultrasound~, I found ~my MIND~ which, from the *AWARENESS* that, how much strong, stylish, unicline and through the region, intellectual and emotional, Charming, MAGICAL and WONDERFUL ~Words~ and ~Lyrics~ this and many other of my appeals to you and to all of you - friends, was * EXPLODED* and continues to explode, until I, in the same time, stimulate its, higher mentioned ~ OZARENNYY ~ LIGHT ~ the MIND ~, by rasskurivaniya qualitative boshek, filled with and executed *positive*, ' m using forestry in the process, Knowledge and Wisdom, * penetrate* in * soul*, OZARYAYA ~LIGHT~ the CROWD, give love, feel and Express proper RESPECT and Respect, remain ~Author~ and known, on the street, as ~whale~!
А зачем тебе перевод ты же по русски читаешь? Я конечно мог бы перевезти свой текст на Английский, а надо ли?
Я в тему самой длинной темы, это написал, как бы шутка и правда одновременно, всем МИР
А зачем тебе узнавать зачем нам перевод?Я конечно мог бы не просить переводить текст, а надо ли?
Я в тему самой длинной темы это написал, как бы шутка и правда одновременно, всем mnp