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Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 27 сентября 2017, 14:32
  #103 (ПС)
И тот кто писал, что все ДАВ звучат одинаково, тоже не прав
Here are some plots showing SRC performance, for Cubase and another DAW, from the link at the top of this post:

Cubase's transition filter.

Ableton Live's transition filter.

On the Sweep plots below the curves are said to represent aliasing of the ultrasonic signal (the kind you'd get with close-miked brass, high strings, cymbals, etc. recorded at high levels) back into the audible band. Also, in terms of the background color, "black is good", non-black said to represent quantization noise:

Cubase 4,5,6,7 and 8 Sweep plot.

Ableton Live's sweep plot.

To me, the question remains: How do we know if these graphically obvious differences from ideal, and between different DAWs, are audible?I'm guessing when not recording sources with a lot of high frequency content at high levels, it should be just fine.
вот ссылка интересная - src.infinitewave.ca , кто еще не видел .

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