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Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 29 сентября 2014, 18:33
  #3442 (ПС)
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Китайцы солидарны со мной

Официальный представитель МИД КНР Хуа Чуньин заявила, комментируя демонстрации в Гонконге, что Китай выступает против поддержки внешними силами незаконных движений, таких как "Оккупируй Централ", - "Пекин выступает против вмешательства извне во внутренние дела Китая".
Американцы тоже. Статья за июль

The U.S. Role
The U.S.–Hong Kong Policy Act declares that the U.S. “should play an active role” in maintaining Hong Kong’s prosperity, its status as an independent financial center, and mutually beneficial ties with the U.S. It makes clear that the U.S. “should treat Hong Kong as a territory which is fully autonomous from the People’s Republic of China with respect to economic and trade matters.”
This beneficial status gives Hong Kong companies access to sensitive technology that the U.S. denies mainland China in order to prevent proliferation, as long as Hong Kong protects such technology by maintaining an open and transparent export control system.[9] The U.S. trade surplus with Hong Kong was the largest of any American trade surpluses in 2012, owing largely to high-tech products. Some 1,400 U.S. firms have offices in Hong Kong, close to 900 of these are regional headquarters or offices, reflecting the benefit that the city draws from being an oasis of stability and prosperity in Asia. As many as 60,000 Americans live in Hong Kong.[10]
As demonstrators gather in Hong Kong, President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry can:
Make clear to China that the world is watching. They should make such statements publicly but also in private. Reticence regarding China has backfired in the past. In 1989, the U.S. refrained from making private representations to Beijing in the run-up to the Tiananmen Square massacre of thousands, due to sensitivities stemming from false equivalency, with one senior U.S. official recently comparing the situation to the National Guard shooting at Kent State in 1970.[11]
Substantiate public warnings by resuming the annual reports on Hong Kong that the Secretary of State sent to Congress every year from passage of the act in 1992 to 2007.
The U.S. Congress can:
Formally condemn Chinese behavior and highlight the prospects that Beijing intends to renege on its promises to Hong Kong and the international community to fully honor “one country, two systems.”
