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- MS. HARF: Well, I would say that the Administration in general is attempting to put out as much information as we can about what underlies our assessment. I would also say that these aren’t competing narratives from two equally credible sources here. The Russian Government has repeatedly put out misinformation and propaganda throughout this conflict in Ukraine, so I would caution you from saying that this is just two equally credible sources.
QUESTION: Well, all right.
MS. HARF: Although you’re happy to report it that way.
QUESTION: No, I just --
MS. HARF: But I would take issue with it.
QUESTION: Well, I mean, again, you might be right, but I don’t see how you can say that everything we say is right and everything the Russians say is a lie.
MS. HARF: That’s not what I said.
QUESTION: That’s exactly what you just said right now.
В целом инструменты одни и те же используются с обеих сторон, за исключением разве что заявления МО, осязаемых фактов нет, преимущественно голословные обвинения и картинки утомили уже