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Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 9 февраля 2013, 14:16
  #466 (ПС)
The BEST Tupac album ever

Me Against the World


March 14, 1995

Tupac Shakur's 4th album "Me against the World" released in 1995, is arguably the illest rap album ever. When Hiphops most loved, most controversial legendary MC dropped this album, he showcased to the world more than ever his intellectual and poetic ability. The media liked to portray him as a violent thug, but in truth it was never like that, first and foremost Tupac was a musician with a message for the world, who never held back from displaying emotion whether it be anger, love, sadness etc, even if it meant he was going to be hated for it. Every track on this album is nice, some of my favourites (among many) include "Me against the World", "So Many Tears" and "Dear Mama" one of the realest tracks Pac ever wrote. Pac seemed to know that death was in his cards, and he gives indication of this on some of the tracks, throughout this album. Music on this album covers many different topics and many different emotions, as one person wrote "If there's a facet of the human experience that's left uncovered on this release, I can't think of it". It wasnt just Pacs lyrics, beats, versatility or production that made him the best, it was that real raw emotion, he put into his works that made him Hiphops most loved. "Me against the World" is one of the best albums of the 90s, essential for anyone who loves good music.

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Interscope Records
  • 1Intro


  • 2If I Die 2Night


  • 3Me Against The World


  • 4So Many Tears


  • 5Temptations


  • 6Young Niggaz


  • 7Heavy In The Game


  • 8Lord Knows


  • 9Dear Mama


  • 10It Ain't Easy


  • 11Can U Get Away


  • 12Old School


  • 13Fuck The World


  • 14Death Around The Corner


  • 15Outlaw


[шапка] The BEST Tupac album ever [/шапка]
[название]Me Against the World[/название]
[датавыхода]March 14, 1995[/датавыхода]
[copyright]Interscope Records[/copyright]



[описание]Tupac Shakur's 4th album "Me against the World" released in 1995, is arguably the illest rap album ever. When Hiphops most loved, most controversial legendary MC dropped this album, he showcased to the world more than ever his intellectual and poetic ability. The media liked to portray him as a violent thug, but in truth it was never like that, first and foremost Tupac was a musician with a message for the world, who never held back from displaying emotion whether it be anger, love, sadness etc, even if it meant he was going to be hated for it. Every track on this album is nice, some of my favourites (among many) include "Me against the World", "So Many Tears" and "Dear Mama" one of the realest tracks Pac ever wrote. Pac seemed to know that death was in his cards, and he gives indication of this on some of the tracks, throughout this album. Music on this album covers many different topics and many different emotions, as one person wrote "If there's a facet of the human experience that's left uncovered on this release, I can't think of it". It wasnt just Pacs lyrics, beats, versatility or production that made him the best, it was that real raw emotion, he put into his works that made him Hiphops most loved. "Me against the World" is one of the best albums of the 90s, essential for anyone who loves good music.[/описание]

[трек]If I Die 2Night[/трек]
[трек]Me Against The World[/трек]
[трек]So Many Tears[/трек]
[трек]Young Niggaz[/трек]
[трек]Heavy In The Game[/трек]
[трек]Lord Knows[/трек]
[трек]Dear Mama[/трек]
[трек]It Ain't Easy[/трек]
[трек]Can U Get Away[/трек]
[трек]Old School[/трек]
[трек]Fuck The World[/трек]
[трек]Death Around The Corner[/трек]


Добавлено через 12 минут 23 секунды
М.И.Ф. представляет: Рефлексы Знаний "Играем в прятки" 2008 /AHR033CD/ Скачать

Играем в прятки

Рефлексы Знаний

Апрель 01, 2008

Рефлексы Знаний основаны в 2000 году (основатели Дым2 и Spoon).
Сотрудничество плодов не принесло.
2002 год; новый состав (Дым 1 и 2). Записан первый трэк "Джин из кальяна".
Следует период доглгого затишья, вплоть до 2007 года, когда Дым2 знакомится
с представителями М.и.Ф.
Со знакомства Дыма 2 и Цебзера начинается новый этап в творчестве, в то время,
как Дым 1 отдаляется от музыки, но, тем не менее, не перестает активно
контактировать с группой и вносить свои идеи. К группе "Рефлексы Знаний"
примыкает Скив (М.и.Ф.), который плотно работает с ними и вносит свои
идеалы в лирику, так же как Дым 2 внёс когда то свои в творчество М.и.Ф.
С 2007 года на студии "М.и.Ф. Звукозапись" записанно 2 альбома, и поставлены
цели, реализовать которые только предстоит.
Рефлексы Знаний - это, с одной тороны, продолжение мифических традиций,
с другой: попытка шагнуть в еще неизведанные уголки человеческой души.
Первая глава погружает слушателя в мир эмоциональных противоречий личностей,
балансирующих на грани добра и зла. Скрытые мотивы и самые сокровенные
желания вскрываются будто штопором и завеса тайны утрачивает свою
таинственность, не переставая при этом вызывать интерес у простого обывателя.
Ведь борьба с самим собой знакома каждому из нас, а эта пластинка призывает
именно к этому.
Рефлексы Знаний "Играем в прятки"

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