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  #16 (ПС)
мне на саундклаунде в личку такой спам приходил про этого певца:

SoundCloud 28 Apr 2012 at 22:33
The name's Sam! I live in Sibera,Russia.
Wondering where it might be?
Oh c'mon! Everyone knows that Siberia is a snow desert somewhere deep in Russia.

We still got internet, but the rest of the modern stuff is not here.
That being said I created a studio using cardboard boxes, USSR-style keyboards and iMac G4
Plus I found a videocamera at my neighborz.

Wonder what we could make using all these garbage?
I'll tell you what!
Dude, garbage is the trendiest thing possible nowadays!
We got lucky with that.
Check out what we pulled off having zero financial support

Youtube Video -

My official SoundCloud - semyon321

It was not comfortable to work in a small room with cardboard walls )
That's why I'm looking forward to fixing the whole ''studio'' situation.

If it blew your head off or at least didn't leave you emotionless I would like to ask for your support:

PayPal Donate - https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&host...R4G2EBBFWA
or Buy it via iTunes - http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/sibirskaya-zima-single/id518142734

Also check out my guestbook and leave a post if you would like:

Or simply buzz to me and say "Hello,Sam!":: +7 916 251 4440

I speak some English and Chinese, besides there are German and French speakersin da house.

That's why I truly believe we can find common language and exchange opinions.
Za zdorovye!

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