Водитель такси попросил Месси сфотографировать его с Маскерано
Driver: Wow! I can't believe I have Javier Mascherano in my cab! Can I get a picture who you, Javier?
Mascherano: Sure.
Driver: Thank you so much! Here, let's have your friend take it. Excuse me, Ghost Rider, here -- can you just take our picture real quick? This is Javier Mascherano, you know.
Messi: Yeah...I know.
Driver: OK. Just take the picture.
Messi: I'm not sure which button-
Driver: The button! Just press the button. What's the matter, have you never used a mobile phone before? Maybe once you can afford a decent pair of jeans you can get one of your own.
Messi: OK. I got it.
Driver: Alright, good, it's about time. Now get out of here. ... Wow! Javier Mascherano. What a thrill.