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Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 6 июня 2011, 09:46
  #3304 (ПС)
The Vs Series seems to be where we can hear alot of your hip-hop production these days, who’s up next?

It will be me and Ill Bill & Vinnie Paz for sure. But then I’m like “who’s the next person?”…I want to do Rock Marcy, he’s one of my favourites. Like, people hit me up everyday. I might to another one with Sick Jacken…or maybe one with all the guys that I’ve worked with, do one if all five of those guys. If they just all gave me two songs. We could work that real quick man. I could do that within a month.


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What else is planned for you this year?

My plan is to put this album out called Bass For Your Face, it’s an electronic record. And then work on my next hip-hop album with Ramel Zee. We gotta wait on who we’ll feature on that one though.
