простите за офтоп)) не сдержался
на мейл пришло тока что
Hello Diamond style pro.
I'm from Turkmenistan, i think you don't know where it is. My country situated in central ASIA. I'm one of the famous RAP singers of my country, i can say that i'm the first who in 2001 year writes the first RAP track in my native language, so many peoples know me ws the great poet and RAPER. I'm the great fun of you and your beats. I want to purchase some of your beats. How can it be real? The beats that i want are :
1. diamondstyleproductions+1hitaintnosunshinefreedl
2. diamondstyleproductions+bangerdreamglobalfreedl
3. diamondstyleproductions+newsoftonyoufreedl
4. diamondstyleproductions+soulfulangelsfreedl
Now, for this moment i write my eclusive album. And i want your beats in my album. Please contact me as soon as possible.
ArsWith great RESPECT,
Arslan the DZ-ED
В туркменистане оказывается тоже есть RAP
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-Цитата от uralblack
в номинации "Самый смешной бит"???

ты уволен

черт! я думал все обойдется обычным "сссука!!!"

и че теперь мне делать, в дворники??