-Цитата от ТоМчик
-Цитата от Арик
-Цитата от ТоМчик
Брал новую,от форматирования толку нихя.Сам из Хабаровска.Я хз,малые размеры карт тут хуй найдёшь.
Пришлите ктонидь на 64 мб.или 32,куплю не задумываясь
выкинул на 64, сорри ))))
512 точно работает по размеру. какая ваще ось у тебя стоит?
да с осью всё нормально.1.2
блять может с картридером чё случилось?я уже в отчаяние впадаю
- Important Information about the Operating System Upgrade
Your MPC must have os version 1.14 installed on your MPC2000XL before you can upgrade to os 1.2, so be sure to check the version that you currently have installed by pressing SHIFT 8, then F3 and this will show you the version that your MPC has installed. If your MPC has an os version that is lower than 1.14, you will need to also order the 1.14 upgrade floppy disk, which is available below. If you are replacing an internal Zip drive and need to upgrade the operating system, you can order the 1.14 and 1.2 upgrade 100MB Zip disks below as well. Contact us if you are not sure exactly what upgrades you will need to perform on your MPC in order to make it compatible with the XL Flash drive.
надо с ос разобраться, кажется с CF надо 1.14