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You can return to PickYourShoes.Com and try again with a different funding option or try again with the same credit card / bank account. If you are using a credit card please note that Paypal Express checkout option also process credit cards without requiring acct setup. We apologize for your troubles.

If your Error Code is 10417 it means the credit card / bank account used to make the purchase failed to charge. This may be a result of overlimit or security feature on your credit card / bank.

********** Additional Paypal Support Info ************

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USA Orders
1-(800)-852-1973 for US orders;

International orders

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Rest of Europe: 00 353 1 436 9111

Other countries: 001-402-935-2080

The Paypal support phone numbers maybe expired. You can verify your local Paypal phone number by logging into your PayPal account and look for PayPal Support phone number.
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Мне думается, что нельзя рассчитаться тем классом карты, что у тебя.
