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Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 26 октября 2010, 23:49
  #2769 (ПС)
Финансовые проблемы отодвинули Oneirology (15 февраля-29 марта),CATM,Mr. Robinson’s Neighborhood и Asterisk:Five на начало следующего года. Клип и сингл CATM,пока ещё,в планах на этот год.

Your support of us in light of the recent situation was tremendous and helped us stave off bankruptcy for a couple extra months. Some of you took to buying extra copies of you releases you already had, others adding in extra dough on Bandcamp purchases and offered your assistance in various ways. I always tout what a ridiculously amazing fanbase the blue schoolers are, but I’m always surprised by how proactive and down for the cause y’all are in times like these. It’s incredibly humbling.

We sincerely appreciate your continued love and support of our little indie-label that could and we look forward to bringing you more of the best Hip Hop music on the planet.

Let’s look back on this and laugh as we celebrate the massive accomplishment at the QN5 MEGASHOW 2011 in NYC next summer.


Последний раз редактировалось EXtrez, 27 октября 2010 в 00:05.
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