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  #494 (ПС)
-Цитата от kormega Посмотреть сообщение
c It Was A Good Day я проебал, сорри, перепутал с The Day The Niggaz Took Over

но цитаты вышеприведенные - всё-таки расизм, причём чёрный анти-белый расизм. "но я слишком черный для грёбаного беляка (cracker - презрительное прозвище для белых)" - это расизм.

*копался в сэмплах для Предатора недавно, и Dirty Mack на повторе завис..
Расизм-не расизм, тем не менее слово cracker не имеет такого уничижительного оттенка в отл-е от слова nigger.

Из интервью Nas'a журналу XXL (март 2008):

XXL: I've read that you wanted to turn that word [nigger], or at least the version ending in A, into "cracker". That you wanted to make it -

[Nas laughs]

- to make it so commonplace that it'll have less meaning than "cracker".

Nas: The thing is, when we go international, we go to different places. This is a problem that started in America, but it's Black-on-Black racism everywhere, from what I'm hearing. I'm hearing certain places in Brazil, you go to the wrong place and be Black, they call you "nigger", and they Black. So the whole world is fucked with this thinking. And "cracker" in no way can be compared to the word "nigger". So if I want to say "cracker", I'm gonna call somebody a cracker.

XXL: Do you want to get to the point where a White guy like me could use the name of your album as a term of endearment?

Nas: Where you can do that? No. Why? It's almost silly for someone that's not Black to ask could thery use that word as a term of endearment. I wouldn't use "kike" around Jews, even if they were calling each other that. I would be careful, out of respect. Or "Polack" or "spic" or "guinea" - just out of common sense. I don't care that much about using those words.

XXL: So when you talk about getting sting out of it, are you suggesting -

Nas: No. Not me. I can't do that on my own. The sting has already left. John Gotti's kids are niggas, call each other niggas, act like niggas. John Gotti'd roll over in his grave to know this. Before he died he was upset that our culture was taking over. The sting has already been out [...]. Now they need the understanding, the knowledge of where it came from, why it's here and how stupid they sound.

XXL: But when you say you want to give it less meaning than "cracker", "cracker", to me, is a joke. Could that word ever be a joke?

Nas: Nah, it could never be a joke.

XXL: Do you hang out with White people who use that word?

Nas: I have.

XXL: But do you worry that, as people get further removed from the word's origins, they'll lose sight of the history behind it? Ten-year-old White kids say this to each other with no idea what it means.

Nas: Hell yeah. You see, Blacks naturally learned the history. The crimes done to us, we learn that. We're Black, we're gonna know that. But because the way it's dealt with, like, "Oh, get over it," people feel like everybody should get over it. They don't realize how sick it was. A lot of elders see young cats get shot down. They're tired of fighting for this. 'Cause the mothers cries fall on deaf ears. Do you know how that is to realize that you just have to deal with it and move on in life, and nothing's gonna be done about it? That's psychologically insane. That's a serious mindfuck.

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