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  #657 (ПС)
-Цитата от $tiLL Посмотреть сообщение
During an interview with Blender Magazine, 50 Cent revealed why Eminem gained weight last year. "You know why he got fat? Because of me, because of my cross-over" 50 joked saying he beat Em playing basketball. "He hurt his knee so he had to chill and couldn't run around so much so he gained weight." [watch here] "He was working with the Detroit Pistons coach to get his leg back together" 50 says, "He's back in shape. He's looking good, he's going to get the girls. I told him I get the girls, you get in the house." [watch here]

It wasn't all jokes though, 50 gave up some info on both his and Eminem's albums saying "I'm supposed to go meet with him and Dre and work in Las Vegas to finish up my record" 50 continued saying "His is almost done, so he's going to come out first then I will come out behind him."
naznaiy naskoliko mojno veriti no ne s4itaia istorii s kolenom otli4inaia novosti nawiot aliboma.....hotia toje blin oni vsegda govoriat ''po4iti gotovo''' v itoge pol goda jdati....

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