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Регистрация: 27.07.2001
Откуда: Novosibirsk
Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 1 февраля 2009, 23:06
Домашняя страница LastFm
  #3237 (ПС)
Icon17  По саундтрэкам/и не только/ (купил вчера):
"Slumdog Millionaire" (music from the motion picture, featuring music and score from A R Rahman) (2008)
"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" (music from the motion picture, original score composed, conducted and produced by Alexandre Desplat) (2008)
"The Reader" (original motion picture score, music composed by Nico Muhly) (2008)
"Revolutionary Road" (original music by Thomas Newman) (2008)

Mylene Farmer - Point de Suture (2008)
Lykke Li - Youth Novels (2008)

(55.4 Кбайт / 121 просм.)