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Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 10 октября 2008, 12:37
  #2464 (ПС)
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Beats by Dre is a rip-off

So I finally got a chance to test-drive Beats by Dre at Best Buy earlier today and I have to say, the whole thing is ass backwards. You should’ve seen the face of the face of a Best Buy associate when he saw me scribbling in my notepad.
To be fair, the sound quality is ok with decent bass production and warm mids. That said, it’s not the best headset in the world. I had trouble fitting the beats on my head to begin with. Once I finally put them on, I found it annoying that the right-ear cup rattled a bit. Stylish they are, comfortable they’re not. I also don’t like that Beats require 3 AAA batteries at all times.
If you have a recession-proof wallet and don’t mind dropping $350 on fancy headphones, this may be for you. But if you’re looking for quality sound and noise abatement in one piece, your $350 could be better spent elsewhere. And you might even have some change left to spare on an iPod.

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