Тема: Всё об ONYX
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Регистрация: 30.12.2006
Откуда: Moscow
Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 5 августа 2008, 17:59
  #1610 (ПС)
Cold Case Files sets the stage for the group’s next studio album, Black Rock, planned for 2009 and a series called 100 Mad featuring new members of the Onyx Music family. “Black Rock is a hybrid album - Rock influenced with Hip Hop underneath it. It’s us repping for the rebels of the world, the rebels of the street who Onyx represents. It’s a where hip-hop meets the mosh pit,” denotes Fredro Starr. “Slam was the song that crossed us over, it was like a rock n’ roll record and we never really went down the rock & roll/hip-hop lane before. We always kinda steered away from it and now we’re gonna do a whole album inspired by that sound,” adds Sticky Fingaz.

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