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  #324 (ПС)
хм, пиздец:

B-Real, Sen Dog, DJ Muggs, and Eric Bobo - separately, they might be just strange-sounding names (except for Eric). But together, they make up Cypress Hill, one of the most successful hip-hop groups around.In "Cypress Hill", the author tells the story of how the group was formed and found its fan base. And it wasn't easy. Readers will discover the near-miss tragedies that affected some of the group's members. The author takes readers on the journey between success and controversy for the group. Readers will also learn how the group has managed to stay together for more that twenty years. That's more than a lifetime for most groups.But Cypress Hill is not about success only for themselves. They've also played an important role in helping other hip-hop artists find fame, helping the genre to secure its future.


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