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golden age
Аватар для Blahzay1
Сообщения: 24
Регистрация: 23.04.2007
Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 1 марта 2008, 13:11
Live Journal
  #1493 (ПС)
Nine "Lyin' King" (1995)
From Funk Flex's "Six Million Ways to Die" on, Nine's managed to drop a number of semi-classic records. Producer Rob Lewis put together enough ill tracks to make a name in the process, and in making his case as slept-on mid-nineties producer, "Lyin' King" should be 'Exhibit A':

Nine - "Lyin' King" (1995)

01 Lyin King clean
02 Lyin King album
03 Lyin King - catch the beat inst
04 Industry Party
05 Industry Party inst
06 Lyin King inst
07 Lyin King acapella

линк http://www.zshare.net/download/7109868103a2d9/

(11.5 Кбайт / 8 просм.)