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Аватар для karanda
Сообщения: 2,557
Регистрация: 11.05.2007
Откуда: Мать городов русских
Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 29 января 2008, 12:49
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  #1 (ПС)
Karanda - Who Real and Who Fake... (для рейперов)
Once upon a time... by pure accident
by any chance (as the saying goes)
a pony came across a mule
(In zoo, of course)
The one exclaimed at the fact:
"What a fuck? Are you degenerate?
Hey, animal! You ain't a horse! No way!
You're just a mix of cur and mongrel
Your father is a donkey. Just show your bangtail!
You're not real - you're fake
I wonder why they keep you here in zoo!
What a deal indeed?
You're doomed to be forever ridiculed..."
A mule stopped short this shit:
"Hey you! Pretend-to-be-a-horse!
Have you observed yourself in mirror not being feared?
Whatever... You look like just a cross of sheep and goat
You are so really not so real. You're badly forged..."
(et cetera, so forth)
Debate was stupid since no any was no really flawless
But... stop! There was some public interest! It was!
In neighboured cage two monkeys sit - so close...
They gave a strongly course laugh
And even some zoo staff moked fun of neighing disrespect and hatred...
I can compare it - it's just the same with rappers
Who try to pose as the genuine gangstas
who "true", who "real", and who "fake" -
for them (like for the mules), infact, it's vital question!

Последний раз редактировалось karanda, 29 января 2008 в 13:19.
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