савло, ты заказывал на преордере. это меряли в магазинах насколько я знаю.
кстати в магазинах дисков нету нихуя, дистрибуция как обычно на высоте.
еще могу поспорить что в европе они дисков больше продадут, чем в омериге.
кстати нихуя не надо читать сайты про такие новости.
http://qn5.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=12235 -Цитата от Kno Actually I have the Excel from Red Eye Distribution and it did over 900 Soundscan, which is strictly U.S. numbers through retailers who report to the service. Doesn't include anything outside of the U.S. or mom and pops that don't report, or pre-order sales. I think we've sold over 2000 and shipped around 6000 in the United States.
Its about exactly what the U.S. distributor expected. I'm not sure who expected us to break the Top 200. :lol
This is actually, by far, our best opening week ever.
If you look at acts who are quite larger than us (been signed to majors, etc.) etc. like Little Brother, Brother Ali, El-P...they all did right at 10,000 or a little more their first week.
If you haven't noticed after following us for 6 years, we don't have MTV2 videos, magazine ads in all major publications, URB covers, ZUNE sponsored tours, Trent Reznor on our albums, etc.
Rap fans are too brainwashed into looking at the G-Unit/Kanye West model of sales where mainstream rappers sell 90% of their records in week 1. Sometimes our 44th week will be as good as our 7th week. Will Rap For Food and Southernunderground were selling better last year than anywhere near the initial releases.
In 2007 folks want to talk about Soundscans all day and not how good the music is. Good music doesn't sell, this shouldn't be a surprise to any of you. It'll help more if you don't talk about how slept on it is HERE, but go to Amazon.com and write a review or go to AllHipHop or OKP and talk about the record if you like it. That is what helps.