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Регистрация: 22.11.2005
Откуда: Sevastopol
Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 14 июня 2007, 14:19
  #2 (ПС)
huh, maybe u aight, maybe not... I dunno, Moz rhymin tightly, but it was all about nothing -I'm this, I'm that and so on... Though his vocabulary is incredible, hands down. My verse on the other side, gives people information and knowledge, and if I would have some more spare time, I'd come up with better rhymes and flow, be sure

Congrats, homie, I got nothing to complain about, though I'm still thinking that it would be better to give some topic on the final.

Rocca, u r loser, best believe I was mad motherfuckin busy as you, and not with fucking exams, but with real job, nevertheless I've found some time to write shit, biatch

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