не слышал про них ничего, но так или иначе: 40 B-Low - 1994 - In Da House 1 40 B-Low's in da House 1:03 2 Roll Em up/Roll Em Down 3:03 3 Get up and Hop 3:59 4 Splash Jam 4:55 5 Country Bass 3:36 6 Shake It Down to the Bone 2:52 7 Radio Bass 2:41 8 Jimmy Hats 3:15 9 Ride 'Em to the Ground 4:12 10 "Horoscope" Slow Jam 4:28 11 T-Drop Bass (High Voltage) 4:25 /mp3 - 192Kbps - 57,4Mb http://rapidshare.com/files/16071719/40blidh.rar.html он же http://www.zshare.net/download/40blidh-rar.html