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- Who said David Beckham's arrival in America would attract no attention? Not only has the erstwhile galactico and England captain made it onto the US equivalent of GMTV and elicited praise from Sly Stallone, he's attracted the attention of Jayceon Taylor, aka gangster rapper The Game.
Showing a not entirely cohesive understanding of the game Americans call soccer, the South Central-based rapper (Beckham's new side, LA Galaxy, is his local club!) was not entirely effusive about the arrival of the face of Gillette razors in his hood.
"I'd kick David Beckham's ass on any given day," the Game said when asked about Beckham. "I'd just pick the ball up and kick the shit out of the stadium, game over."
Quite whether the Game's expletive was referring to the ball, Beckham, or simply the action he was planning to take against LA Galaxy's Home Depot Center remains to be seen. But The Game was on less steady ground when a follow-up question was put his way.
When asked his thoughts on Beckham's ability as a footballer he responded simply: "Pretty good".