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Аватар для Cutthroat
Сообщения: 15,315
Регистрация: 24.03.2003
Откуда: Питер
Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 20 декабря 2009, 19:37
  #301 (ПС)
-Цитата от JaySea Посмотреть сообщение
все русские на сайте кто не с хип-хоп ру те отсюда: http://vkontakte.ru/club1270954
русские любой сайт испортят

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МТ = ?
Аватар для SashaMT
Сообщения: 760
Регистрация: 23.04.2009
Откуда: Челябинск
Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 20 декабря 2009, 19:49
  #302 (ПС)
Представился гёрлой, хотел заценить бицуху
но тут внезапно залезла она!

(125.1 Кбайт / 414 просм.)
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Все котята смотрят вслед
Аватар для Icy
Сообщения: 13,915
Регистрация: 11.07.2008
Откуда: Limassol
Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 20 декабря 2009, 19:52
Домашняя страница Отправить сообщение через twitter для Icy
  #303 (ПС)
чел только что слушал чемодан..пиздец)

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Аватар для некто Пабло
Сообщения: 926
Регистрация: 03.09.2008
Откуда: Северо-Запад.
Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 20 декабря 2009, 21:37
  #304 (ПС)
-Цитата от JaySea Посмотреть сообщение
все русские на сайте кто не с хип-хоп ру те отсюда: http://vkontakte.ru/club1270954
недавно одним чуваком с сарта пиздел,он был в капюшоне с найковским напульсником на носу.

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Аватар для Лжэц
Сообщения: 1,746
Регистрация: 14.01.2009
Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 20 декабря 2009, 22:34
  #305 (ПС)
чтобы ставить картинку\видио\порнуху или всё что взбредет в голову юзайте прогу WebCamMax

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в Бане
Сообщения: 276
Регистрация: 01.11.2009
Откуда: ты достал такие прохладные россказни?
Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 20 декабря 2009, 22:50
  #306 (ПС)
СУКА, В ТАКИЕ МОМЕНТЫ МНЕ ОХОТА УЧИТЬ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ. ну не могу я на пендосовском расписать чо-как. блять. настроение испортил, нигер ёбаный
Stranger: homo
Stranger: fucks up in dis shit
Stranger: faggot
Stranger: queeer
Stranger: u look like a trailer trash faggot
You: соси мудак
Stranger: )))))
You: я твою десну бомбил
You: )
Stranger: russian skinhead?
Stranger: LOL
You: да ёба
Stranger: i am a big black american basketball player
You: и похуй
Stranger: cant understand that bullshit language
Stranger: communist shit
You: fuck to you all niggers
You: White PRIDE
Stranger: black panthers
Stranger: hahah
Stranger: trailer trash
Stranger: black people are stronger and faster
You: prick up your ass
Stranger: bet you got raped by a black man son
You: but they are sucks all time
You: ((
Stranger: learn to spell english you russian siberian cocksucker
Stranger: OBAMA
You: учи русский макака
Stranger: skinny ass whiteboy
Stranger: you look like a stick
You: пизда вашему асашай
Stranger: i would break you in two
You: гондо
Stranger: yeah speak that faggot language
Stranger: Russia = homos
You: себя уламай мудак
Stranger: the only russian thing i would fuck is that hot ass rapper girl gidroponka
You: say it when we will bomb u
You: )))
Stranger: she tight dog
Stranger: bomb us with what? america will demolish russia before you even get 1 plane up
You: в рот за гидропонку хапнешь
You: мудак
You: черножопый
Stranger: gidroponka could use some black cock in her russian ass
You: хуец в чай мокни
You: олень
Stranger: i dont understand that gay language dawg
You: learn russian monkey
You: 0
You: ))
Stranger: why should i learn a worthless language
Stranger: you are all poor sad white fuckers
Stranger: with no money
You: да ну?
Stranger: no wonder all your women come to america and suck black cock
Stranger: they like big dicks for a change, you russians got no dicks bitch
You: we are the great nation with long history but you is son of african bitch
You: )
Stranger: great nation?
Stranger: with a history of communism?
Stranger: Stalin?
Stranger: hahahaha
You: yeah
Stranger: you have a history of poorness
Stranger: no money
Stranger: suckin dicks to survive
Stranger: thats it

Stranger: I'm a proud black american, my family is millonaires... i drive a bmw Z3... i bet i live a better life than you
You: USSR was best country
You: твоя семья мудаки поголовно
You: без духа
Stranger: hahahha
Stranger: best country?
You: и моральных принципов
Stranger: you had nothing
Stranger: no economy at all
Stranger: you be trippin nigga

You: you and you fuckinn system have not moral principes
Stranger: what is not moral about it?
Stranger: do you call it moral and princliples to be a poor ass white boy, running around hating black people.. then you group up and beat up 1 person.. but you cant fight man on man
You: but we have spirit which builded about 1500 years
Stranger: you have to be like 20 people to beat 1 foreign person
Stranger: you are skinny as fuck, with no muscles.. and i bet your friends are all the same.. so when you're like 20 guys.. you might have enough power to beat 1 black person
Stranger: by the way, are you trying to look gangsta with that hoodie? cuz thats like actin like a black person dawg
You: learn Russian history. you told about stupid things. money is main thing? hahaha, black bastard. what are you know about me and my country? you watch u fuckinn TV so more
Stranger: i watch tv? I'm actually a college graduate... i've been studying..
Stranger: your system has failed
Stranger: over and over again
Stranger: Stalin had the highlight period
Stranger: and Putin was like a Russian Bush
Stranger: he wasn't any good either.. but not as bad as the USSR cocksuckers either way
Stranger: I've read that most teenagers that hate black men, actually do it because their mom once got raped by a black man
Stranger: are you familiar with that story?
You: Putin? haha. We rise from knees.
You: yeah
Stranger: yeah you rise from knees after sucking the other countrys cocks
Stranger: you couldn't even take over Afghanistan
Stranger: they chased you out
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: you had to flee from Afghanistan at the end... and they were fighting with weapons from the 1800th century
Stranger: great success
You: u sucks in afganistan. and iraq. 4500 killed. Viva USA!
Stranger: that's telling me a lot about the russian army
You: oil wars
Stranger: well, what can i say.. we need the resources and money
Stranger: and we didn't get chased out
Stranger: we are still there
Stranger: and we're going to make it a better place for both the afghans and the iraqis
Stranger: they are appreciating our help actually
Stranger: they can now live lifes without dictators
You: yes and what? rus army? no. you tell me about yours great f-22 on Alaska)))
Stranger: tell you what
Stranger: its great
Stranger: let me ask you something
Stranger: give me the reason why you hate blacks?
Stranger: not that i care.. i'd just like to hear your reasons
Stranger: if they actually are intellectual ones
You: im not hate blacks. . nazism and nationalism is different things
Stranger: well you had a hitler painting on your finger, so i guessed your nazi
Stranger: nationalists tend to be racist too
You: no
Stranger: you should have some reasons
Stranger: and why did you invade Finland
You: you are dont like russians, and why u think that i will like u?
Stranger: Finland is a small country that never does anything wrong... how could you invade them
Stranger: i like russians, just not the communist ones
You: i have some friends. finn friends
Stranger: in america we dont like communists
Stranger: It's against our beliefs
You: All goes to that. to new communism.
Stranger: gidroponka should be the president of Russia
Stranger: then everything would be ok
You: yeah. its ours mentality. sorry
Stranger: what are you opinion about the war between russia and chechenia?
You: its spupid, terrible (( but necessary war
You: stupid leaders killed 5000 young guys in 1994
You: -1996
Stranger: after that terror action on that school in russia i kinda lost all faith
Stranger: that was horrible
Stranger: killing children
Stranger: russian leaders or chechen?
Stranger: and the theatre in russia
You: but second company was For the truth
Stranger: ok
You: terrorism!!!!!aaaaa!!!! you think about it so more. stupid Mojahedes is not first problem
Stranger: muhaheddin?
Stranger: mujaheddin?
You: i dont know how its write on English, but you understand
Stranger: yeah i was just wondering if u ment chechen or afghan
You: yes

Ответить с цитированием
Аватар для PORNOSTAR
Сообщения: 4,703
Регистрация: 13.01.2009
Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 20 декабря 2009, 22:54
  #307 (ПС)
-Цитата от Польский Велик Посмотреть сообщение
Stranger: the only russian thing i would fuck is that hot ass rapper girl gidroponka

Ответить с цитированием
в Бане
Сообщения: 276
Регистрация: 01.11.2009
Откуда: ты достал такие прохладные россказни?
Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 20 декабря 2009, 22:56
  #308 (ПС)
за гидропонку он сука ответит. хотя бы этого у них нет

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Аватар для PORNOSTAR
Сообщения: 4,703
Регистрация: 13.01.2009
Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 20 декабря 2009, 23:08
  #309 (ПС)
пацаны,у меня нет вебкамеры. я там могу по пиздеть?

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Прогер, Оператор, Винокур
Аватар для Васюган
Сообщения: 1,745
Регистрация: 19.08.2005
Откуда: Великий Сургут-Град
Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 20 декабря 2009, 23:10
  #310 (ПС)
Велик хорош.

Ответить с цитированием
в Бане
Сообщения: 276
Регистрация: 01.11.2009
Откуда: ты достал такие прохладные россказни?
Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 20 декабря 2009, 23:14
  #311 (ПС)
нигеры познают хасол

(43.9 Кбайт / 382 просм.)
Ответить с цитированием
Аватар для некто Пабло
Сообщения: 926
Регистрация: 03.09.2008
Откуда: Северо-Запад.
Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 20 декабря 2009, 23:27
  #312 (ПС)
-Цитата от Польский Велик Посмотреть сообщение
Stranger: homo
Stranger: fucks up in dis shit
Stranger: faggot
Stranger: queeer
Stranger: u look like a trailer trash faggot
You: соси мудак
Stranger: )))))
You: я твою десну бомбил
You: )
Stranger: russian skinhead?
Stranger: LOL
You: да ёба
Stranger: i am a big black american basketball player
You: и похуй
Stranger: cant understand that bullshit language
Stranger: communist shit
You: fuck to you all niggers
You: White PRIDE
Stranger: black panthers
Stranger: hahah
Stranger: trailer trash
Stranger: black people are stronger and faster
You: prick up your ass
Stranger: bet you got raped by a black man son
You: but they are sucks all time
You: ((
Stranger: learn to spell english you russian siberian cocksucker
Stranger: OBAMA
You: учи русский макака
Stranger: skinny ass whiteboy
Stranger: you look like a stick
You: пизда вашему асашай
Stranger: i would break you in two
You: гондо
Stranger: yeah speak that faggot language
Stranger: Russia = homos
You: себя уламай мудак
Stranger: the only russian thing i would fuck is that hot ass rapper girl gidroponka
You: say it when we will bomb u
You: )))
Stranger: she tight dog
Stranger: bomb us with what? america will demolish russia before you even get 1 plane up
You: в рот за гидропонку хапнешь
You: мудак
You: черножопый
Stranger: gidroponka could use some black cock in her russian ass
You: хуец в чай мокни
You: олень
Stranger: i dont understand that gay language dawg
You: learn russian monkey
You: 0
You: ))
Stranger: why should i learn a worthless language
Stranger: you are all poor sad white fuckers
Stranger: with no money
You: да ну?
Stranger: no wonder all your women come to america and suck black cock
Stranger: they like big dicks for a change, you russians got no dicks bitch
You: we are the great nation with long history but you is son of african bitch
You: )
Stranger: great nation?
Stranger: with a history of communism?
Stranger: Stalin?
Stranger: hahahaha
You: yeah
Stranger: you have a history of poorness
Stranger: no money
Stranger: suckin dicks to survive
Stranger: thats it

Stranger: I'm a proud black american, my family is millonaires... i drive a bmw Z3... i bet i live a better life than you
You: USSR was best country
You: твоя семья мудаки поголовно
You: без духа
Stranger: hahahha
Stranger: best country?
You: и моральных принципов
Stranger: you had nothing
Stranger: no economy at all
Stranger: you be trippin nigga

You: you and you fuckinn system have not moral principes
Stranger: what is not moral about it?
Stranger: do you call it moral and princliples to be a poor ass white boy, running around hating black people.. then you group up and beat up 1 person.. but you cant fight man on man
You: but we have spirit which builded about 1500 years
Stranger: you have to be like 20 people to beat 1 foreign person
Stranger: you are skinny as fuck, with no muscles.. and i bet your friends are all the same.. so when you're like 20 guys.. you might have enough power to beat 1 black person
Stranger: by the way, are you trying to look gangsta with that hoodie? cuz thats like actin like a black person dawg
You: learn Russian history. you told about stupid things. money is main thing? hahaha, black bastard. what are you know about me and my country? you watch u fuckinn TV so more
Stranger: i watch tv? I'm actually a college graduate... i've been studying..
Stranger: your system has failed
Stranger: over and over again
Stranger: Stalin had the highlight period
Stranger: and Putin was like a Russian Bush
Stranger: he wasn't any good either.. but not as bad as the USSR cocksuckers either way
Stranger: I've read that most teenagers that hate black men, actually do it because their mom once got raped by a black man
Stranger: are you familiar with that story?
You: Putin? haha. We rise from knees.
You: yeah
Stranger: yeah you rise from knees after sucking the other countrys cocks
Stranger: you couldn't even take over Afghanistan
Stranger: they chased you out
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: you had to flee from Afghanistan at the end... and they were fighting with weapons from the 1800th century
Stranger: great success
You: u sucks in afganistan. and iraq. 4500 killed. Viva USA!
Stranger: that's telling me a lot about the russian army
You: oil wars
Stranger: well, what can i say.. we need the resources and money
Stranger: and we didn't get chased out
Stranger: we are still there
Stranger: and we're going to make it a better place for both the afghans and the iraqis
Stranger: they are appreciating our help actually
Stranger: they can now live lifes without dictators
You: yes and what? rus army? no. you tell me about yours great f-22 on Alaska)))
Stranger: tell you what
Stranger: its great
Stranger: let me ask you something
Stranger: give me the reason why you hate blacks?
Stranger: not that i care.. i'd just like to hear your reasons
Stranger: if they actually are intellectual ones
You: im not hate blacks. . nazism and nationalism is different things
Stranger: well you had a hitler painting on your finger, so i guessed your nazi
Stranger: nationalists tend to be racist too
You: no
Stranger: you should have some reasons
Stranger: and why did you invade Finland
You: you are dont like russians, and why u think that i will like u?
Stranger: Finland is a small country that never does anything wrong... how could you invade them
Stranger: i like russians, just not the communist ones
You: i have some friends. finn friends
Stranger: in america we dont like communists
Stranger: It's against our beliefs
You: All goes to that. to new communism.
Stranger: gidroponka should be the president of Russia
Stranger: then everything would be ok
You: yeah. its ours mentality. sorry
Stranger: what are you opinion about the war between russia and chechenia?
You: its spupid, terrible (( but necessary war
You: stupid leaders killed 5000 young guys in 1994
You: -1996
Stranger: after that terror action on that school in russia i kinda lost all faith
Stranger: that was horrible
Stranger: killing children
Stranger: russian leaders or chechen?
Stranger: and the theatre in russia
You: but second company was For the truth
Stranger: ok
You: terrorism!!!!!aaaaa!!!! you think about it so more. stupid Mojahedes is not first problem
Stranger: muhaheddin?
Stranger: mujaheddin?
You: i dont know how its write on English, but you understand
Stranger: yeah i was just wondering if u ment chechen or afghan
You: yes
чувак,корче эта обезьяна тебя поимелажёстко он

Добавлено через 1 минуту 54 секунды
Stranger: black people are stronger and faster

-Цитата от Польский Велик Посмотреть сообщение
Stranger: homo
Stranger: fucks up in dis shit
Stranger: faggot
Stranger: queeer
Stranger: u look like a trailer trash faggot
You: соси мудак
Stranger: )))))
You: я твою десну бомбил
You: )
Stranger: russian skinhead?
Stranger: LOL
You: да ёба
Stranger: i am a big black american basketball player
You: и похуй
Stranger: cant understand that bullshit language
Stranger: communist shit
You: fuck to you all niggers
You: White PRIDE
Stranger: black panthers
Stranger: hahah
Stranger: trailer trash
Stranger: black people are stronger and faster
You: prick up your ass
Stranger: bet you got raped by a black man son
You: but they are sucks all time
You: ((
Stranger: learn to spell english you russian siberian cocksucker
Stranger: OBAMA
You: учи русский макака
Stranger: skinny ass whiteboy
Stranger: you look like a stick
You: пизда вашему асашай
Stranger: i would break you in two
You: гондо
Stranger: yeah speak that faggot language
Stranger: Russia = homos
You: себя уламай мудак
Stranger: the only russian thing i would fuck is that hot ass rapper girl gidroponka
You: say it when we will bomb u
You: )))
Stranger: she tight dog
Stranger: bomb us with what? america will demolish russia before you even get 1 plane up
You: в рот за гидропонку хапнешь
You: мудак
You: черножопый
Stranger: gidroponka could use some black cock in her russian ass
You: хуец в чай мокни
You: олень
Stranger: i dont understand that gay language dawg
You: learn russian monkey
You: 0
You: ))
Stranger: why should i learn a worthless language
Stranger: you are all poor sad white fuckers
Stranger: with no money
You: да ну?
Stranger: no wonder all your women come to america and suck black cock
Stranger: they like big dicks for a change, you russians got no dicks bitch
You: we are the great nation with long history but you is son of african bitch
You: )
Stranger: great nation?
Stranger: with a history of communism?
Stranger: Stalin?
Stranger: hahahaha
You: yeah
Stranger: you have a history of poorness
Stranger: no money
Stranger: suckin dicks to survive
Stranger: thats it

Stranger: I'm a proud black american, my family is millonaires... i drive a bmw Z3... i bet i live a better life than you
You: USSR was best country
You: твоя семья мудаки поголовно
You: без духа
Stranger: hahahha
Stranger: best country?
You: и моральных принципов
Stranger: you had nothing
Stranger: no economy at all
Stranger: you be trippin nigga

You: you and you fuckinn system have not moral principes
Stranger: what is not moral about it?
Stranger: do you call it moral and princliples to be a poor ass white boy, running around hating black people.. then you group up and beat up 1 person.. but you cant fight man on man
You: but we have spirit which builded about 1500 years
Stranger: you have to be like 20 people to beat 1 foreign person
Stranger: you are skinny as fuck, with no muscles.. and i bet your friends are all the same.. so when you're like 20 guys.. you might have enough power to beat 1 black person
Stranger: by the way, are you trying to look gangsta with that hoodie? cuz thats like actin like a black person dawg
You: learn Russian history. you told about stupid things. money is main thing? hahaha, black bastard. what are you know about me and my country? you watch u fuckinn TV so more
Stranger: i watch tv? I'm actually a college graduate... i've been studying..
Stranger: your system has failed
Stranger: over and over again
Stranger: Stalin had the highlight period
Stranger: and Putin was like a Russian Bush
Stranger: he wasn't any good either.. but not as bad as the USSR cocksuckers either way
Stranger: I've read that most teenagers that hate black men, actually do it because their mom once got raped by a black man
Stranger: are you familiar with that story?
You: Putin? haha. We rise from knees.
You: yeah
Stranger: yeah you rise from knees after sucking the other countrys cocks
Stranger: you couldn't even take over Afghanistan
Stranger: they chased you out
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: you had to flee from Afghanistan at the end... and they were fighting with weapons from the 1800th century
Stranger: great success
You: u sucks in afganistan. and iraq. 4500 killed. Viva USA!
Stranger: that's telling me a lot about the russian army
You: oil wars
Stranger: well, what can i say.. we need the resources and money
Stranger: and we didn't get chased out
Stranger: we are still there
Stranger: and we're going to make it a better place for both the afghans and the iraqis
Stranger: they are appreciating our help actually
Stranger: they can now live lifes without dictators
You: yes and what? rus army? no. you tell me about yours great f-22 on Alaska)))
Stranger: tell you what
Stranger: its great
Stranger: let me ask you something
Stranger: give me the reason why you hate blacks?
Stranger: not that i care.. i'd just like to hear your reasons
Stranger: if they actually are intellectual ones
You: im not hate blacks. . nazism and nationalism is different things
Stranger: well you had a hitler painting on your finger, so i guessed your nazi
Stranger: nationalists tend to be racist too
You: no
Stranger: you should have some reasons
Stranger: and why did you invade Finland
You: you are dont like russians, and why u think that i will like u?
Stranger: Finland is a small country that never does anything wrong... how could you invade them
Stranger: i like russians, just not the communist ones
You: i have some friends. finn friends
Stranger: in america we dont like communists
Stranger: It's against our beliefs
You: All goes to that. to new communism.
Stranger: gidroponka should be the president of Russia
Stranger: then everything would be ok
You: yeah. its ours mentality. sorry
Stranger: what are you opinion about the war between russia and chechenia?
You: its spupid, terrible (( but necessary war
You: stupid leaders killed 5000 young guys in 1994
You: -1996
Stranger: after that terror action on that school in russia i kinda lost all faith
Stranger: that was horrible
Stranger: killing children
Stranger: russian leaders or chechen?
Stranger: and the theatre in russia
You: but second company was For the truth
Stranger: ok
You: terrorism!!!!!aaaaa!!!! you think about it so more. stupid Mojahedes is not first problem
Stranger: muhaheddin?
Stranger: mujaheddin?
You: i dont know how its write on English, but you understand
Stranger: yeah i was just wondering if u ment chechen or afghan
You: yes
чувак,корче эта обезьяна тебя поимелажёстко он

Добавлено через 1 минуту 54 секунды
Stranger: black people are stronger and faster

-Цитата от Польский Велик Посмотреть сообщение
Stranger: homo
Stranger: fucks up in dis shit
Stranger: faggot
Stranger: queeer
Stranger: u look like a trailer trash faggot
You: соси мудак
Stranger: )))))
You: я твою десну бомбил
You: )
Stranger: russian skinhead?
Stranger: LOL
You: да ёба
Stranger: i am a big black american basketball player
You: и похуй
Stranger: cant understand that bullshit language
Stranger: communist shit
You: fuck to you all niggers
You: White PRIDE
Stranger: black panthers
Stranger: hahah
Stranger: trailer trash
Stranger: black people are stronger and faster
You: prick up your ass
Stranger: bet you got raped by a black man son
You: but they are sucks all time
You: ((
Stranger: learn to spell english you russian siberian cocksucker
Stranger: OBAMA
You: учи русский макака
Stranger: skinny ass whiteboy
Stranger: you look like a stick
You: пизда вашему асашай
Stranger: i would break you in two
You: гондо
Stranger: yeah speak that faggot language
Stranger: Russia = homos
You: себя уламай мудак
Stranger: the only russian thing i would fuck is that hot ass rapper girl gidroponka
You: say it when we will bomb u
You: )))
Stranger: she tight dog
Stranger: bomb us with what? america will demolish russia before you even get 1 plane up
You: в рот за гидропонку хапнешь
You: мудак
You: черножопый
Stranger: gidroponka could use some black cock in her russian ass
You: хуец в чай мокни
You: олень
Stranger: i dont understand that gay language dawg
You: learn russian monkey
You: 0
You: ))
Stranger: why should i learn a worthless language
Stranger: you are all poor sad white fuckers
Stranger: with no money
You: да ну?
Stranger: no wonder all your women come to america and suck black cock
Stranger: they like big dicks for a change, you russians got no dicks bitch
You: we are the great nation with long history but you is son of african bitch
You: )
Stranger: great nation?
Stranger: with a history of communism?
Stranger: Stalin?
Stranger: hahahaha
You: yeah
Stranger: you have a history of poorness
Stranger: no money
Stranger: suckin dicks to survive
Stranger: thats it

Stranger: I'm a proud black american, my family is millonaires... i drive a bmw Z3... i bet i live a better life than you
You: USSR was best country
You: твоя семья мудаки поголовно
You: без духа
Stranger: hahahha
Stranger: best country?
You: и моральных принципов
Stranger: you had nothing
Stranger: no economy at all
Stranger: you be trippin nigga

You: you and you fuckinn system have not moral principes
Stranger: what is not moral about it?
Stranger: do you call it moral and princliples to be a poor ass white boy, running around hating black people.. then you group up and beat up 1 person.. but you cant fight man on man
You: but we have spirit which builded about 1500 years
Stranger: you have to be like 20 people to beat 1 foreign person
Stranger: you are skinny as fuck, with no muscles.. and i bet your friends are all the same.. so when you're like 20 guys.. you might have enough power to beat 1 black person
Stranger: by the way, are you trying to look gangsta with that hoodie? cuz thats like actin like a black person dawg
You: learn Russian history. you told about stupid things. money is main thing? hahaha, black bastard. what are you know about me and my country? you watch u fuckinn TV so more
Stranger: i watch tv? I'm actually a college graduate... i've been studying..
Stranger: your system has failed
Stranger: over and over again
Stranger: Stalin had the highlight period
Stranger: and Putin was like a Russian Bush
Stranger: he wasn't any good either.. but not as bad as the USSR cocksuckers either way
Stranger: I've read that most teenagers that hate black men, actually do it because their mom once got raped by a black man
Stranger: are you familiar with that story?
You: Putin? haha. We rise from knees.
You: yeah
Stranger: yeah you rise from knees after sucking the other countrys cocks
Stranger: you couldn't even take over Afghanistan
Stranger: they chased you out
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: you had to flee from Afghanistan at the end... and they were fighting with weapons from the 1800th century
Stranger: great success
You: u sucks in afganistan. and iraq. 4500 killed. Viva USA!
Stranger: that's telling me a lot about the russian army
You: oil wars
Stranger: well, what can i say.. we need the resources and money
Stranger: and we didn't get chased out
Stranger: we are still there
Stranger: and we're going to make it a better place for both the afghans and the iraqis
Stranger: they are appreciating our help actually
Stranger: they can now live lifes without dictators
You: yes and what? rus army? no. you tell me about yours great f-22 on Alaska)))
Stranger: tell you what
Stranger: its great
Stranger: let me ask you something
Stranger: give me the reason why you hate blacks?
Stranger: not that i care.. i'd just like to hear your reasons
Stranger: if they actually are intellectual ones
You: im not hate blacks. . nazism and nationalism is different things
Stranger: well you had a hitler painting on your finger, so i guessed your nazi
Stranger: nationalists tend to be racist too
You: no
Stranger: you should have some reasons
Stranger: and why did you invade Finland
You: you are dont like russians, and why u think that i will like u?
Stranger: Finland is a small country that never does anything wrong... how could you invade them
Stranger: i like russians, just not the communist ones
You: i have some friends. finn friends
Stranger: in america we dont like communists
Stranger: It's against our beliefs
You: All goes to that. to new communism.
Stranger: gidroponka should be the president of Russia
Stranger: then everything would be ok
You: yeah. its ours mentality. sorry
Stranger: what are you opinion about the war between russia and chechenia?
You: its spupid, terrible (( but necessary war
You: stupid leaders killed 5000 young guys in 1994
You: -1996
Stranger: after that terror action on that school in russia i kinda lost all faith
Stranger: that was horrible
Stranger: killing children
Stranger: russian leaders or chechen?
Stranger: and the theatre in russia
You: but second company was For the truth
Stranger: ok
You: terrorism!!!!!aaaaa!!!! you think about it so more. stupid Mojahedes is not first problem
Stranger: muhaheddin?
Stranger: mujaheddin?
You: i dont know how its write on English, but you understand
Stranger: yeah i was just wondering if u ment chechen or afghan
You: yes
чувак,корче эта обезьяна тебя поимелажёстко он

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Stranger: black people are stronger and faster

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old school bez b member
Аватар для Zaebatsu
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Откуда: на помойке
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  #313 (ПС)
black people are work in usa pidarasnik

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Аватар для некто Пабло
Сообщения: 926
Регистрация: 03.09.2008
Откуда: Северо-Запад.
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  #314 (ПС)
ой,сообщение 3 раза отправилось как странно.

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в Бане
Сообщения: 276
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Откуда: ты достал такие прохладные россказни?
Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 20 декабря 2009, 23:38
  #315 (ПС)
дак я и не спорю эпик слив. тупо из-за языкового барьера. с другой стороны этот "Славик" не знает русский совсем. Поверь мне было, что ему ответить. колледж-хуелидж, а мой 3 курс универа чего-то стоит((((
Stranger: black people are stronger and faster......зато белые стреляют лучше, это уравнивает шансы.

дай неграм образование и они постараются выебать твою нацию.((

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Аватар для PORNOSTAR
Сообщения: 4,703
Регистрация: 13.01.2009
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  #316 (ПС)
omegle.com тут не сидели, пацаны?

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Аватар для некто Пабло
Сообщения: 926
Регистрация: 03.09.2008
Откуда: Северо-Запад.
Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 20 декабря 2009, 23:42
  #317 (ПС)
-Цитата от Польский Велик Посмотреть сообщение
дак я и не спорю эпик слив. тупо из-за языкового барьера. с другой стороны этот "Славик" не знает русский совсем. Поверь мне было, что ему ответить. колледж-хуелидж, а мой 3 курс универа чего-то стоит((((
Stranger: black people are stronger and faster......зато белые стреляют лучше, это уравнивает шансы.
да не парься,он тоже не прав во многом.

Добавлено через 1 минуту 19 секунд
-Цитата от Pornostar Посмотреть сообщение
omegle.com тут не сидели, пацаны?
хуйня там,без вебки не айс.

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old school bez b member
Аватар для Zaebatsu
Сообщения: 330
Регистрация: 09.06.2007
Откуда: на помойке
Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 20 декабря 2009, 23:45
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  #318 (ПС)
-Цитата от Польский Велик Посмотреть сообщение
зато белые стреляют лучше, это уравнивает шансы.
Если будешь шуметь - зашумит мистер сорок четвёртый калибр. Задашь вопрос - мистер сорок четвёртый калибр тебе на него ответит. Даже не пытайся съебать от нас, потому что у меня есть шестеро маленьких свинцовых друзей, которые бегают гораздо быстрее, чем ты.

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в Бане
Сообщения: 276
Регистрация: 01.11.2009
Откуда: ты достал такие прохладные россказни?
Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 20 декабря 2009, 23:45
  #319 (ПС)
всё равно обидно. там наши сплошь в ушанках с зигой налево -направо и прочим маскарадом. портрет нации ёба. а тут как бы и разумно конртаргументировать не получается. ....мда, Велик, учи Онглицке.... разговорный не канает

Добавлено через 1 минуту 32 секунды
-Цитата от Zaebatsu Посмотреть сообщение
Если будешь шуметь - зашумит мистер сорок четвёртый калибр. Задашь вопрос - мистер сорок четвёртый калибр тебе на него ответит. Даже не пытайся съебать от нас, потому что у меня есть шестеро маленьких свинцовых друзей, которые бегают гораздо быстрее, чем ты.
пиздато откуда фраза?

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активный пользователь
Аватар для @ MaRiO @
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Откуда: Moscow, New-Peredelkino
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  #320 (ПС)
чет у мя завис на фразе "Looking for a random stranger, please wait"...

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в Бане
Сообщения: 276
Регистрация: 01.11.2009
Откуда: ты достал такие прохладные россказни?
Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 20 декабря 2009, 23:49
  #321 (ПС)
сервак слабоват у них.

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Аватар для PORNOSTAR
Сообщения: 4,703
Регистрация: 13.01.2009
Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 20 декабря 2009, 23:51
  #322 (ПС)
-Цитата от Польский Велик Посмотреть сообщение
всё равно обидно. там наши сплошь в ушанках с зигой налево -направо и прочим маскарадом. портрет нации ёба. а тут как бы и разумно конртаргументировать не получается. ....мда, Велик, учи Онглицке.... разговорный не канает

Добавлено через 1 минуту 32 секунды
-Цитата от Zaebatsu Посмотреть сообщение
Если будешь шуметь - зашумит мистер сорок четвёртый калибр. Задашь вопрос - мистер сорок четвёртый калибр тебе на него ответит. Даже не пытайся съебать от нас, потому что у меня есть шестеро маленьких свинцовых друзей, которые бегают гораздо быстрее, чем ты.
пиздато откуда фраза?
криминальное чтиво

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в Бане
Сообщения: 276
Регистрация: 01.11.2009
Откуда: ты достал такие прохладные россказни?
Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 20 декабря 2009, 23:53
  #323 (ПС)
надо смотреть фильмы в хорошем переводе

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old school bez b member
Аватар для Zaebatsu
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Регистрация: 09.06.2007
Откуда: на помойке
Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 20 декабря 2009, 23:55
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  #324 (ПС)
-Цитата от Pornostar Посмотреть сообщение
криминальное чтиво
-Цитата от Польский Велик Посмотреть сообщение
надо смотреть фильмы в хорошем переводе
это От заката до рассвета 1 братаны. в правильном гоблина

Добавлено через 1 минуту 23 секунды

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в Бане
Сообщения: 276
Регистрация: 01.11.2009
Откуда: ты достал такие прохладные россказни?
Старый пост, нажмите что бы добавить к себе блог 20 декабря 2009, 23:57
  #325 (ПС)
не шарим хуле

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